
Drink This Blood And We'll Become Immortal

You were sitting in a coffee shop, smiling gently to yourself, the sweet scent of hot chocolate and cream filling your nose.
The coffee shop was always quiet, but busy, meaning you could lose yourself in the crowd of people - couples, laughing, talking, joking. So in love they don’t notice the world around them.
What a stupid sentiment.
Nobody was really in love, they were just in love with the thought.

You looked up quickly, as you saw a flash of brown hair in front of you, your eyes caught another pair of deep blue staring at you, belonging to a smiling face.

“Can I sit here?” the person asked.

You blinked and examined them, nodding. A guy about 5”9 was standing there, looking at you. He was fairly good-looking, you noticed as he watched him. His brown, curly hair was casually messed up, some going over his eyes. A too-big t-shirt professed his love for ‘Love Metal’ and baggy jeans covered the rest of his slim frame, Adio trainers on his feet.
He slid into the seat next to you with a grin

“Hey, I’m Bam” he said, his accent starting you - he was American.
You shook his hand and replied

“I’m Reanne, Rio for short” you said, realising that you were also smiling - his smile was infectious.

“Nice Name” he said casually, the normally mundane comment making your heart skip a beat.
You mentally scolded yourself - why did you just let him have that effect on you?
You cautiously began talking to him, listening carefully as he told you about himself.
He was a professional skater, and you found yourself eagerly saying

“Yes” when he asked if you would like to watch him skate sometime.
You hated that he seemed to have some sort of power over you!
Each smile and flick of the hair seemed to be just for you.
No! you wouldn’t think like that - you couldn’t!
Bam smiled at you, and held out his hand, while you looked at him blankly, a look of pure confusion spreading quickly across your thin features.
He then let out a laugh that made shivers run down your spine in the most wonderful way, and answered your unspoken question

“I just asked if you would like to go someplace else with me” came the words, along with a smile that took your breath away as you nodded and grabbed his hand.
With that, you realised that you would follow him to th end of the earth if he asked you, even though you barely knew him.

Oh Shit. You thought

You had fallen in love.

That thought made you stumble slightly, Bam catching you as you were about to fall, his strong arms wrapping carefully around you
You looked into his eyes, wanting to thank him - but you couldn’t speak. You were too lost in him.

You felt his breath on your face, noses almost toughing as he bagan to pull you into an upright position once more.
As he did so, your knees gave way, making you wrap your arms around him for support as he caught you again. You began to smile, but he leaned down, looking directly in your eyes and kissed you softly on the lips.
After a moment, he pulled away hesitantly, and you could feel a blush creeping across your cheeks.
He looked down

‘I…I… uh, I’m… sorry, Rio, It’s just… well, I… like you and uh…” he stuttered, his once confident façade now shattered.
You cut him off after watching him struggle

“Bam, it’s fine! I don’t mind, I like you too” you said smiling nervously at him.

“Oh” he said, a hint of a smile crossing his features.
He nervously took your hand, holding onto it tightly as you began to walk, Bam trotting along beside you.

You had decided to spend the day together getting to know each other better.
It may have been fast, but you were pretty sure you were in love, and in your eyes he was perfect.

You were laughing as you now sat on a bar stool, not paying attention to where you were trying to sit, as you placed your hand on the bar for support - not realising that the bartender had just dropped someone’s drink. You placed your hand straight onto the broken glass.
You felt a searing pain as the glass cut straight through the skin, making you gasp in shock. Quickly moving your hand, you backed away, looking now at your crimson covered hand.
You bumped into Bam, startled - you had forgotten that he was there for a moment.
He reached out and took your hand, staring at it.

He brought your hand to his mouth and licked off the blood, slowly, carefully.
Then, as if he had just noticed what he was doing, he dropped your hand and turned away from you holding his head in his hands, and as you walked over to him, he mumbled

“I cant do this”
The words broke your heart, but you wanted to let him explain what he meant first.

“Bam…?” you questioned, but he backed away

“Rio, why haven’t you run away? Please, you should just go and find someone better” he said, a hint of anger, and, was it sadness? creeping into his voice.
You paused before replying

“Bam, why would I run away?” curiosity seeping into your voice, but even more so. Nor for yourself, but for Bam.
You edged closer to him without realizing.

“Why? What do you mean, why? Why aren’t you already should be the question! didn’t you see what I just did?” he almost screamed, terror and desperation clearly noticeable.
“Yeah, you locked the blood off my hand. And okay, it’s a bit… weird, but you didn’t scare me!” you said cautiously, not knowing what the hell Bam was getting at.

“Reanne, I’m a fucking Vampire, why the fuck aren’t you scared of me!?” he roared, finally moving his hands away from your face and shaking you by the shoulders.
You flinched, as you thought that he was going to hit you.

“A… Vampire?” you looked at him, searching his eyes, trying to find the truth.
He nodded, and moved his hand, reaching for your face.

“Please don’t hit me,” you whispered, not scared that he was a vampire, but afraid that he would hurt you for making him upset.
Bam moved his hand away from you as if he’d been stung.

'Rio, I would never hurt you, I … I love you!” he said, and expression of hurt and pain forming across his perfect features.
You paused for a moment, before leaning upwards and pressing your lips to his.

“I love you, too” you answered.
It was then, that you noticed that the whole bar were looking at you both. You laughed nervously, and Bam followed the line of your eyes, seeing all the people, and coughed loudly.

“Uh. Well, we’ll be going now” he announced, dragging you away, and down the street, both of you giggling as you went.
You came to a stop by a street lamp, as Bam realised something

“Wait a second, you’re not scared?” he quizzed.

“Why would I be? You’re still the same Bam, and it’s not your fault, it’s just one of those things!” you answered him, confidently, watching as he smiled the most beautiful smile you had ever seen

“Well, in that case, if you don’t mind. Reanne, would you do me the very great honour of being my Vampire Bride? I mean, it’s okay if you don’t want to, I know we just met today, and you have a life and family, but I just want you to know that I love you, a d it would mean the world to me if you would spend eternity with me…”
Bam rambled on, quickly, and without breathing - or so it seemed.
You stood for a moment before answering


With that, he took your hand, and together you walked into the dark night, to become Immortal
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This Is For Ms. Eden - Feedback, Please?
I'll Love You Forever!