Test My Limits and See Where It Gets You


"How could you be so STUPID!" I yelled a soon as Joe shut the door to my bedroom and Nick took a seat on my desk chair.

"What did I do?!" Nick yelled back.

"You freaking kissed my sister and then turned around and had a make-out session with freaking Selena Gomez! Granted she's better then Miley Cyrus, but either way you shouldn't have done it!"

"It's none of your business Keira." Nick said calmly, even though his face said he was anything but calm.

"None of my business? None of my business! It's involving my sister so it most definitely is my business. And if I hear about you doing it again then I'm gonna kick your ass! Understand?"

"Keira, don't stand there and yell at me when you don't even understand." Nick said before getting off the chair. I ran over and pushed him back down.

“Then help me understand, Nick. Because you’re not leaving this room until I understand why you made a move only an asshole would make.” He just sat there and glared at me, refusing to answer me. Joe walked over towards us and put his arm around my waist. I think that was so he could hold me back incase I had the urge to seriously kill his brother, but I wasn’t about to ask.

“Nick, I highly suggest you explain to Keira before she decides to really kill you. Because I don’t know how long I’ll be able to hold her back before she gets to you.” Joe warned. Nick looked away and glared at the wall for a while before he answered.

“I like her, okay?”

“Who? My sister or Selena?” I asked.

“Both of them. I really like Ailey, but I still have strong feelings for Selena. I’m sorry that I made a stupid mistake, but she kissed me first.” Nick explained.

“So she kissed you and some of your feelings for her came back and you couldn’t remember why you broke up with her. Is that it, Nick?” I asked, my eyes narrowing.

“Yes, that’s what happened. She kissed me and I couldn’t think. So I kissed back. I didn’t mean to hurt Ailey and I didn’t mean to piss you off.” Nick put his head down. He looked guilty and full of remorse, but I was seriously pissed and wasn’t about to let him off easily.

“You didn’t mean to hurt Ailey? You didn’t mean to piss me off!” My voice had grown louder with each word and you could tell that Nick wanted out of the room. Joe’s grip on me tightened but I ignored him as I continued to yell at Nick. “If you didn’t mean it you would’ve been able to remember why you broke up with Selena and you would’ve been able to push her away.”

“Kiera–” Nick started but I cut him off before he had the chance to finish.

“Listen to me clearly, Nick. I’m letting you off easy this time, for the sake of your family. But if this happens again, Frankie better be able to take your place. Because there’s gonna be an empty spot in the band. Do you understand?” I asked. Nick looked like he was about to argue again, but with a glare from me and a please–shut–up look from Joe, he didn’t argue.

“Fine.” He said bitterly.

“Good, now, since I’m not killing you this time, there’s gotta be a different consequence. You will NOT be around my sister any longer than necessary. You are also not allowed to be alone with her. These rules are in effect until I forgive you, until Ailey forgives you, and until I’m positive that you are over Selena. Once I’m sure this incident will never happen again and we both forgive you, these rules will be lifted. Until that day, have a nice life, Nick.” Nick was glaring at the floor but at least he somewhat looked like he was beating himself up over this.

I turned and went to leave when the door was thrown open and Frankie was standing there crying. Joe ran over to him to comfort him as Nick stood up.

“Frank, what’s wrong?” Joe asked. Nick and I both walked over to try and soothe Frankie.

“A…he…on…gro…I…scared.” Frankie choked out. The three of us exchanged worried glances but were all unable to figure out what the he had just said. I got down to Frankie’s height and put my hands on Frankie’s shoulder.

“Frankie, hon. Take a deep breath and try again. What happened? What’s wrong?” I tried. Frankie took a deep, shaky breath and tried again.

“Ailey…she fell…she’s on the ground…in my room. She looked like she fell asleep, so I…tried to wake her up. But she won’t…wake up. So I ran up here ‘cause I was scared.” He finally got through it all. Nick and Joe’s eyes widened in alarm but I felt all the color leave my face. I stood up quickly and ran to the Frankie’s room.

Mr. and Mrs. Jonas were already in there with her. Mrs. Jonas was in tears while Mr. Jonas was on the phone, presumably with 911. I ran over to where my sister was and noticed right away that her face was really white. The second thing I noticed was that she was barely breathing. I felt for her pulse and found that she had almost no pulse. By this point I was in full on panic mode. I don’t know when Joe showed up, but I know he did at some point because eventually I was vaguely aware of his arms around me.

Sirens started wailing, signaling that the ambulance was here. A paramedic asked who was coming with Ailey, but I was unable to answer. I think Mrs. Jonas went with her, but I’m not positive. The only thing I knew was that her cancer was probably the cause of this. Another thing my mind thought of was that this wasn’t supposed to happen. This meant that this cancer was much worse then we were told.

With that thought I burst into tears. Joe held on to me tighter and whispered that it would be alright. Nick and Kevin (I have no idea when he showed up) came over and each took one of my hands and whispered the same things Joe was telling me. I wasn’t listening to any of it though. I couldn’t listen, I couldn’t think. I was lost in my mind and had no hopes of finding my way out until I was sure my sister was safe.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh, who saw that coming? Because I sure didn't, haha.

Two comments before I put up another chapter. Only one from you Eleni. :)