Sequel: Love Spells Magic

The Closest Thing We Have To Magic


My mind was spinning out of control knowing that Nick Jonas was kissing me and I was enjoying every moment.

Thirty seconds later, I regretfully pulled back from loss of air. Nick slowly removed his hands from me and carefully set them in his lap. My eyes didn’t lose contact with his. Both of us were a little jostled from the kiss but I knew that I at least didn’t regret it. I waited for Nick to say something, I was not about to make the first move. It was a couple of seconds before he spoke.


I smiled uneasily. I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to take that reaction. “Yeah.”

“So, where does this put us?” He started to playing with his ringing, twisting it back and forth.

I moved my eyes from his hand back up to his eyes.

What was I supposed to say to that? I decided to let him decide. “Depends on what you want.” letting the last part drag on. It was my turn to play with the ring I had on my pinky finger.

His chocolate brown eyes gazed at me intently causing me to cautiously look back into his eyes. “Do you like me?” he asked hesitantly. Almost as if he wasn’t sure if he should ask.

I smiled at the question. “Would I have kissed you if I didn’t?”
“Probably not.” A smile once again formed again on his face. He turned his head to the lake before looking back at me. “So, will you be my girlfriend?”

Finally. Took the boy long enough.

Nodding, I gave him my answer. “Yes.” A smile grew on both of our faces as soon as I said so.

Nick got up and brushed himself off. He held out his hand to me. “Come on, I’ll walk you back to your cabin. You have to be up early tomorrow for rehearsal.”

I made a face, one of displeasure. “Thanks for reminding me” I said sarcastically. I took his hand and pulled myself up.

“My pleasure.” I glared at him. A smirk played on his face when he saw my reaction.

We made our way to the path back to my cabin. It had grown incredibly dark since we had left Nick’s cabin making the trees and bushes seem less inviting. I could hear the crunching of the leaves and twigs beneath our feet while we were walking. I turned my head to watch Nick. To my surprise Nick’s eyes were already on me.

“How much of rehearsal do you have tomorrow?”

I racked my mind to remember our complex and bizarre schedule. “I think we’re booked till about 4 or 5 in the evening.”

Nick nodded his head and smiled slightly at me. “Perfect. Do you want to come over again at around 7? I’m pretty sure Joe invited the others for another party tomorrow night. Bring Shay too.”

I shrugged. “That’s cool. We’ll be there.”

I could now see my cabin coming into view. We walked the rest of the way in silence to the door. It was only when we got to the door that I realized that our hands had been intertwined since we had started walking. Nick stood there looking at me with a smile while playing with my fingers at the same time.

He leaned towards me and pressed his lips lightly to my cheek. “Night Cady.”

“Night Nick” I said softly.

He gave me one more smile before turning back and started his walk home. Taking my key from my pocket, I opened the door and went in, shutting it quietly behind me. I quickly changed into my snoopy pajamas and an old tshirt. I washed my face to get the little makeup I had on my face off. Collapsing on my bed, I tried to believe that what happened within the last hour and half was true. I snuggled in my covers and tried to make sense of today. Before I knew it I had gone into my own la la land.

Those six words were the first that came out of Shay’s mouth once I told her the next morning at rehearsal. Shrieking. Loudly.

I narrowed my eyes and shushed her. “Be quiet! I don’t even know if Nick has told his family yet, so please for the love of all, don’t tell anybody yet.”

Shay tried lowering her voice by a few decibels. It was more of a whisper yell. “What happened?!? Tell me the details!” she commanded.

I hesitated. I wasn’t sure if I wanted Shay to know everything, I mean I had just met her a couple of weeks ago. But she was really my best friend here at the set, so I might as well tell her. I quickly retold what happened last night with Shay’s eyes growing wider by the minute.

Shay squealed as soon as I finished talking. “You’re so lucky! You’re dating the Nick Jonas.”

I shrugged my shoulders. I started to practice the moves for the song we were working on today while talking to Shay. “It doesn’t really matter to me that he’s Nick Jonas. He certainly doesn’t act like a celebrity. I just happen to have a boyfriend who’s a teen selling pop sensation. But I really don’t know how this relationship is going to go. I mean, we’ve only known each other for about two weeks.”

Shay rolled her eyes and joined me in rehearsing the number. “So you’ve only known each other for two weeks. So what? You guys were flirting since the first time you met each other. It was obvious to everybody that you two were going to end up dating.”

I stopped dancing and stared at Shay. “Really?”

She laughed. “Yeah. You could tell from the beginning.”

My mouth formed a small “oh”.

“By the way, Nick invited us to another party at their cabin tonight. Be at my cabin at ten till seven.”

Now it was her turn to stop dancing. “Sweet.”

Just then Kishaya ran through the door to start the already late rehearsal. “Everybody in the places for the first number!” Both Shay and I sighed and got into our places and prepared ourselves for a long and tiring rehearsal.
I put on my charm bracelet and looked at myself one last time. I had come back from rehearsal at six and had rushed to get showered and changed to get over to the Jonas’ cabin. For the last ten minutes I had been debating if I should wear my Nick Jonas sweatpants. My friend and I had made them for our concert we had gone to during the Burnin Up tour. They had Jonas on the back with Nick printed on the front on my right leg. I had finally decided to wear them. It couldn’t hurt, right? For my top I had worn a blue Hollister long sleeve shirt with a grey lace cami underneath. I kept my hair natural with its waves cascading down my shoulders. The minimal makeup I usually wore was on my face and I was good to go.

Shay joined me as soon I stepped outside. She was coming out of her house wearing jeans and a Pittsburgh Steelers sweatshirt with her hair up in a high curled ponytail. We started walking the ten minute walk to the cabin. I pulled out my phone to text Nick that we were on our way.

Hey, we’re on our way. Be there in 10.

Alright. Everybody is already here :)

Oh sorry we’re late.

No you’re fine. They came early.

Mhm okay. Umm…have you told your parents yet?

Yes I did. No need to worry :) I’ve got it under control. My brothers know as well.

Okay thanks. : ) I was worried that you hadn’t told them.

Nope I did. See you soon. :)
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello there :)
I'm sorry its sort of fillerish, but guess what?
I'm off for thanksgiving break on wedensday, I am so glad!
I need time off of school pronto.
Love to read the comments!
Thanks to everyone who has so far and subscribed!

Kodhai <3