Sequel: Love Spells Magic

The Closest Thing We Have To Magic


“Cady Greens!” called out Galen Hooks, the assistant choreographer.

“Here,” I answered monotone. Roll call had just begun after the “speech” that was given at every school, competition and camp I had been too. The “welcome, this is both fun and work, we hope you take everything out of this experience” speech. Not exactly the speech that would keep anyone awake.

“Please pick up your schedule of practices and then go ahead to the mess hall for dinner. Thank You everybody for coming” he finished. Immediately, people started to gather their things and head out the door.

“Finally,” I muttered.

“You think being choreographers they could have made the speech a little more interesting”.
I turned around to see a blonde girl with green eyes grinning at me.

Smiling, I answered back. “ Yeah I know. I'm Cady Greens. Back up dancer.”.

“Shay Terryn. Back up dancer also. You going to go get some dinner? Because I really don't want to go in there by myself”, she said gesturing to the entrance of the mess hall which now looked like chaos with so many people going in.

I laughed. “Yeah lets go. I'm starving”.

As soon as we entered the crowded mess hall we grabbed a table and sat down.

“So what cabin are you in?” Shay asked glancing at me.

“Um I think its 14. Yours?

Shay grinned. "15. Sweet, we're neighbors."

All of a sudden we heard loud laughter coming in from the entrance of the mess hall. Shay quickly turned around and said “oh my gosh”. Coming in were all the Disney Stars. Alyson Stoner, Demi Lovato, Meghan Jette Martin, Anna Maria Perez de Tagle, Jasmine Richards, Roshan Fegan, and of course, the Jonas Brothers.

“Are you fan of the Jonas Brothers? I am. Their music is amazing and I love their personalities and their just awesome. And who can forget their looks? But too bad I have a boyfriend or I would totally go for one of them right now and...”

I burst out laughing at her rambling. “Don't worry Shay. I'm a huge fan too. You should see my room. I have one full wall of Jonas Brothers posters.”

Her eyes widened. “Wow.”

“Yeah but its not like we're going to actually meet them.”

“I know. I mean look at this schedule, we have to be there at,” Shay glanced at the schedule “...6 am. Oh my gosh! 6 am. Are they serious! And it goes till 2. And then again from 4-6. Dude this totally sucks!" Shay exclaimed as her eyes scanned the paper.

“Yeah I know. Hey, I'm done, you ready to get back to our cabins? Because looking at that, I'm going to have to get up at 5:30," I said frowning.

Standing up, “Yeah lets go” Shay dumped her tray at the trash can and we both headed out.

As I lied in bed in that night I couldn't help thinking what was going to happen here in Canada. Before I always felt like I was in control of my life, but I just wasn't sure what to expect here. My eyelids started feeling heavy and I drifted off to sleep.

Little did I know what I was in store for during the next couple of days.
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I'm listening to Live To Party right now. Love that song =D

This one is also short. I'm sorry. The next couple will be much longer.

Thanks to everybody who subscribed already and commented. It means a lot to me. :)
