Drop It on a Dime


It happens to everyone sometime in their life. You feel like you’ve been put in the right place at the right time. This is my story. My name is Dani Andrews, short for Danielle of course. I have lived in Chicago since I was five when my parents moved here from New York. I am now 19 almost 20 and I know this city like the back of my hand. I knew of all the openings of all the new clubs even if I couldn’t go or get into them. In my opinion Chicago has to be one of the best places ever to live. Since I have lived here I never really minded the windiest days or the blistering cold winters. It was all so worth it. I actually just started a job for Decaydance Records. Maybe you’ve heard of it? Anyway, I work there as a graphic designer, creating album cover ideas for bands on the label. The few that I have designed has gotten very positive feedback, even from the head boss himself Pete Wentz.

I owe a lot to my friend Lauren and her mom who helped me get this job. Lauren’s mom has seen the progress of my work and mentioned it to her well, now our boss Billie. Billie had to be one of the best people to work with. She didn’t just leave me to figure everything out on my own; she showed me what the record label is looking for. New alternative ideas that would be appealing not just to the fans but they wanted the bands to like it as well. I loved my job and I am so grateful that I got the chance to be doing what I am.
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The intro maybe short but Im working on typing up more:)