Drop It on a Dime

Chapter 10

Almost 2 weeks later….

“Just think Adam, a couple more days and we get to see each other again. I miss you so much. I love you call me when you get this message.“ I hung up the phone. I knew that they were busy but Adam hadn’t called me in almost a week. It worried me but I would get to see him a couple of days, so that thought made me happy. I was hoping that I would begin to feel better then I had been feeling lately. It was one of those on and off stomach bugs. To tell you the truth it was beginning to annoy me.

To get my mind off my stomach I went to my room and got ready to pack for New York. Just as I got into my room my phone began to buzz. I looked at the ID and didn’t recognize the number but I picked it up anyway.


“Hi, is Dani there?”

“This is she”
“Oh hey Dani its Adam”

“Hey, I thought that was you. Why haven’t you been answering your phone? I’ve been calling you and calling you but you haven’t picked up.” I asked nicely but with a tone that was kind of worried.

“My phone died and I forgot to pack my charger, then when I went to see if I could find a charger for it the store didn’t have one. Im really sorry I haven’t called. I’ve missed hearing your voice Dani.”

I knew he felt bad I could hear it in his voice. “Oh I thought you were mad at me or something, I’ve missed you too.” All I wanted to do was to kiss, hug him and never let him go. “Adam guess what.”


“We get to see each other tomorrow! Aren’t you excited!?”

“I’ve been so busy with the guys that I didn’t even realize that it was time for you to come to New York.” Adam said with a laugh.

“Its ok I just began to worry that’s all. ”

We talked for a while, catching up since we hadn’t talked to each other in almost a week. I told him I was still feeling slightly sick but I wasn’t going to let that ruin my time with him. After talking we both decided that he would pick me up at the airport. I asked Adam to maybe to pick up my cousin so I could see her. He said that he would.

“What is her name and where should I pick her up?”

“Her name is Lilli, and I call her and you can pick her up right at the university.”

“Lilli… what is her last name?” Adam asked.

“Same as mine, Andrews. Why?”

“Oh well I already know her.”

“How did that happen?”

“Her and Mike are kind of seeing each other, they met at a nearby café and they basically haven’t stopped talking since.”

“that’s kind of funny Adam, Well I’ll tell her what’s going on and Im sure that Mike will want to come as well. Haha He can come if he wants to, just let him know.”

“Ok well I let you get your things around so you are ready to come and see me. I cant wait to see you. I love you Dani.”

“Love you too Adam, see you soon.”

So after I hung up the phone I called my cousin Lilli and told her the plans. She was all excited to see me and she too thought that it was funny that I was the Dani that Adam was dating. I guess you could say that we both have a good taste in men.

After I got done talking to Lilli I hung up the phone and went to finish packing, by the time I was done it was 10:30 I decided it was time to go to bed, so I picked out my outfit for the plane ride tomorrow and then climbed into bed excited about seeing Adam and Lilli.
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Double Digits! yay! lol:) Hope you all like it:) Enjoy^-^