Drop It on a Dime

Chapter 11

That night I tried and tried to sleep, but nothing worked. I sat there in there in my bed tired as can be and I couldn’t sleep. I tried to read, I listened to music and even took a warm bath nothing worked. The only thing that was normal was my stomach that still had the bug.
I think it may have been nervousness because all of a sudden I began to feel very sick, I raced into the bathroom just in time and I threw up. I was hoping it would get rid of my bug, after I threw up my stomach began to calm down which I was grateful for.

I walked back to my bedroom to lay down and try to get some sleep. Surprisingly not long after I had fallen asleep because when I awoke it was time to get up jump in the shower and head to the airport to fly to New York. Anne helped me put my luggage into the car and then drove me to the airport. She gave me a hug and told me to tell Lilli hello for her. I told her that I would and that I would call her once we landed in New York.

I walked inside and placed my luggage on the table for the baggage check so it could be put onto the plane, and I walked through the metal detector with no problems. There was about 15 minutes until the plane was about to board so I went to find a bottle of water to drink.

Just as I arrived back at my seat the announcer said “Flight 90 to New York is now boarding.” So I stood up and walked over to the door showed my boarding pass and walked onto the plane. I found my seat and placed my carry on between my feet and settled in for the plane ride. Just as I was about to fall asleep in my seat I had yet another urge to throw up again, but I didn’t thank god. About 2 and a half hours later we were about to land in JFK International Airport in New York.

We finally landed and I hopped off the plane and saw Lilli. I ran up to her and gave her a hug.

“Lilli! Its so great to see you! I’ve missed you so much! How are things going at college?”

“Dani! I’ve missed you too! Its going pretty good. I sent Mike and Adam over to get your bags I hope that’s ok. I told them that we would meet them over there.”

“That’s fine, I just cant wait to see Adam. I’ve missed him like crazy.”

Lilli and Dani made their way to baggage claim when Dani saw Adam.

Adam had his back turned to me but I didn’t care. I ran up to him and jumped on his back. I almost fell over with me laughing. When he realized it was me he jumped up and wrapped his arms around me and placed a long passionate kiss on my lips as I wrapped my arms and legs around him.

“Dani, I’ve missed you so much!“ He said placing kisses upon kisses on my lips.

“I‘ve missed you too Adam! Im going with you from now on.” I said laughing and kissing his lips. God I’ve missed those lips.

We gathered my luggage, and climbed into the car that the boys had brought with them. We arrived where I could only guess was the recording studio, because all I saw was recording equipment. Then not long after we had arrived they decided to head back to their apartment.

Their apartment was on one of the upper floors, and the elevator just happened to be broken so Adam and I carried by bags up to the floor and into his room that he shared with Carden. As I placed my pillow on Adams bed I began to feel a bit light headed. I went to the kitchen, it just so happens that Adam was there as well, to get a glass of water when I began to fall. I felt someone’s arms wrap around me as I blacked out.

I heard a faint beep beep beep and a few faint voices.

“Is she going to be ok?”


“What’s wrong with her?”

“Are you family?”

“Im her boyfriend and this is her cousin and her boyfriend”

“Well I guess that I can reveal to you what‘s wrong”

“She‘s pregnant”

Whoa! Wait a second Im pregnant?!?!

“What? She’s pregnant? Are you sure?” I heard Lilli

“Yes she is about 4 weeks, blood tests don’t usually lie”

I began to stir, and open my eyes to see Lilli, Mike, Adam and who I can only guess was the doctor who was treating me.

“What’s going on?” I asked thinking that what I heard was a dream.

Adam walked over to my side and kissed my forehead. He smiled down at me and said “Well you passed out so we brought you to the hospital to make sure you were ok, and the doctor just told us that you well are kind of … sort of pregnant.”

“Im what?” I said almost hyperventilating. ‘I cant be, Im only 19, well for another month’ I thought to myself.

“You‘re pregnant Dani.” Adam said again.
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hey, this is like the first time Ive had 2 updates in one day! lol:)
Hope you all like it:) Enjoy^-^