Drop It on a Dime

Chapter 12

“You have got to be kidding me, there’s no way that Im pregnant. I cant be.” I said getting up but Adam placed his hands on my shoulders.

“Dani, relax. You are pregnant with a baby, our baby.”

“Adam I don’t know if I can do this. Are you happy about it?”

“Dani I know you can, and I was quite surprised but yes I am happy about the baby.” Adam said giving a kiss to my forehead.

“Thank you Adam, but how is it going to affect the guys?”

“I think they will love it, and its so unexpected since Im the youngest” Adam said laughing.

“Ok well can we go home now, I just want to go relax”

“Ok Ill go check with the nurses and then we can go, you just sit there and relax.”

Lilli and Mike were still with me. “Lilli, are they sure that Im pregnant?”

“Yeah the Doctor showed me the results because I didn’t believe it either. It was positive.” Lilli’s face was serious, so I knew it was true. I just couldn’t believe that I was really pregnant.

The Doctor gave Adam my release papers and we left to go back to their apartment. On the way we dropped Lilli off. Mike was such a gentle man he got out and walked her to her “door” and kissed her goodnight. Then we made our way back to their apartment. We walked in and Bill, Butcher, Chizzy and Jack wanted to know what had happened. We told them that I was pregnant and that’s why I passed out. Like Adam thought they would be they were all really supportive of us and the new baby on the way.

After all the fussing the guys were doing I walked into Adam and Mikes room and laid down. I sat there for the longest time with my hands on my stomach thinking about the baby that was going to growing inside me. I was beginning to like the idea of having a baby around. But I was happy, terrified, nervous you name the feeling and Im sure I was feeling it. I laid down the rest of the way on Adam’s queen size bed. After the day that I had gone through I decided that it was time for me to get some rest. Not too long after laying down, I felt the bed sink down next to me then an arm go around me and connect where my hands were laying around my stomach. I flipped over to face Adam and I smiled.

“Adam are you sure about this? I mean I think Im happy that Im pregnant but I just don’t know.”

“Dani I wouldn’t want anyone else to be having my baby but you.”

“You don’t think its too soon?”

“No, I think it just made my mind up of what I want for the rest of my life. Dani I was wondering if I gave you a promise ring if you would accept it. It wouldn’t be a real engagement yet but I think it too soon for that.” He laughed after he said it “you know what I mean” he said giving me a kiss.

“Yeah I know what you mean Adam. And yes I would accept it” I said smiling.

“Good because I already have one for you, but if its ok Ill give it to you tomorrow.“

“Yeah that’s fine Adam, Im really exhausted anyway”

He kissed me goodnight with his arm still around me. I was awake for a few more minutes thinking about the baby. And the thought that Adam was really going to be there for me, made me feel better. He wasn’t going to run like most guys do when they get their girlfriends pregnant, he was going to stay and take care of me and the baby. And with that thought I drifted off to sleep.

But like clockwork I woke up with the urge to throw up. I jumped off the bed and ran for the bathroom, thank god that no one was up or in there because I just barely made it. I heard someone walk in, it was Adam to make sure I was ok. He brought me Tylenol and a glass of water.

“Thanks” I smiled weakly up at him. Adam then sat himself down beside me rubbing my back.

“Don’t worry Dani, I‘ll be here through it all” He said while helping me up. “Thank you Adam, I really don’t know what I would do without you. Oh and thank you for being so supportive.” I wrapped my arms around his waist and he did the same for a few minutes before we went to lay back down. When we got back to Adams room Mike was awake.

“Everything ok?” Mike asked

“Yeah I just had a bit of morning sickness, hopefully it wont keep waking me up so early” I said with a slight laugh at the end.

Adam and I laid back down and not long after I got myself back to sleep, and slept the rest of the night.
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I began writing this last night and finished it up this morning:) Hope you like it.