Drop It on a Dime

Chapter 14

The next few days it was rainy so I stayed at the apartment while the guys were hard at work on their album. I brought out my laptop and checked my emails. I had one from my mom saying that she was hoping I was having a fun time in New York and they would see me when I got back. Another one from Anne asking me if I got to New York ok and to give her a call when I could. I emailed her back telling her that I had a surprise and would call her soon.

Then I had one from Pete, the first email that I had ever received from him.

Congratulations Dani & Adam! Bill called me a few days ago and told me what was going on and I am totally fine with you staying in New York with Adam until they are done. If you need anything else just email me back or have Bill or one of the guys give me a call. I will let Billie know of the situation, If you don’t have anything for a while its totally fine, I understand that you are going to be busy getting ready for your new little one. Well hope you are doing well.


I was very surprised that Pete had enough time to actually send out an email congratulating me and Adam. So I replied:

Thanks Pete, I will try my best to get more product out to you, in the midst of getting ready for the baby. Thanks for understanding why I want to stay here with Adam until they are finished.

-Dani Andrews

After replying to Pete, I called my sister to tell her the news. I dialed her number and waited for her to pick up.


“Hey Anne its me Dani”

“Oh hey Dani, I just got your email, what’s this surprise?”

“Well you know how Ive been sick for a while?”


“Well when I arrived in New York and got back to the guys apartment, I passed out”
“Omg are you ok?”

“Yeah, Im fine, but well you see..”

“What Dani?”

“Im pregnant.”

“Your what? Are you kidding me?”

“Im pregnant, I just found out a few days ago. And I was calling to tell you that I was going to be staying in New York with Adam until they are done so Adam doesn’t miss anything.”

“Wow, I wasn’t expecting that kind of a surprise Dani, but I am happy for you. How far along are you?”

“That means a lot Anne, thank you. The doctor said 4 weeks.”

“Have you told mom and dad yet?”

“No, not yet. Do you think they are going to be mad?”

“They may be a bit shocked but I don’t think that they are going to be mad.”

“I hope so, oh another thing, Adam gave me a promise ring too.”

“That’s good Dani, well I hate to cut it short but I have a lunch date to go to.”

“With who?” I asked laughing.

“You know Scott? The one that I met before you left? Well he called the other day and asked me out to lunch.”

“Oh that’s great Anne, well I‘ll talk to you soon. Bye”


Just as I was hanging up with Anne, Jack came running in then ran back out. If he had seen my face Im sure he would have laughed. Im pretty sure it was one of those what the hell? looks. I decided to make dinner for the guys, since they were being so supportive of Adam and I. Not to long after I began cooking Adam came walking in with Butcher talking about something about TAI TV. Adam came over and kissed me on the cheek then kept talking to Butcher.

Bill, Chizzy, Jack, Mike and Lilli showed up about 10 minutes later. They were all grateful that they had a home cooked meal that they haven’t had since before they left for New York. We all sat down and ate together. After dinner Lilli and I cleaned up but the guys wouldn’t let me do anything else, so they ushered Lilli and I into the living room to relax for the night.
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My third chapter today! Its amazing! lol Hope you like it:)