Drop It on a Dime

Chapter 16

It was just over a month and it was already my 20th birthday. The Academy Is… were almost done recording as well. Well Butchers part was done I guess but I only went to the studio once in a while so I wasn’t exactly sure.

I was excited for my birthday I am 20 years old! Who wouldn’t be excited. The guys were going to take me out to dinner to celebrate my birthday. Although I couldn’t have anything with alcohol, I couldn’t endanger the baby. The guys took me to a restaurant called PER SE with a private dining area. It was a wonderful dinner. We got to get all dressed up, I had brought the same dress that I had met Adam in, thankfully I wasn’t showing yet or the dress Im sure wouldn’t fit very well. Anyway, we were in the restaurant for little over an hour. During dinner Adam had said that he had a surprise for me, but by the end of dinner he still hadn’t given it to me.

As we headed back to the apartment after dinner Adam said that he would give me my present when we got back to our room. About 5 minutes later we arrived at our building, thank god in the last few days the elevator was finally fixed so we didn’t have to take the stairs. The entire ride up to our floor Adam had his arms draped around my waist while I leaned against him. He then placed his hands on my tummy.

“Just think Dani, our little one is right here”

“I know Adam, Im just as excited as you are trust me” I said turning around kissing him on the nose.

“Adam how much longer are we going to be in New York, because I want to make an appointment with my own doctor to keep track how the baby is doing.”

“Not too much longer maybe a week. I was going to wait to ask you when we got back to the apartment, but I was wondering if when we got back to Chicago if you would move in with me?”

“Of coarse! I‘d love to Adam!” I said before kissing him “Is that what the surprise that you were talking about at dinner?”

“Well, sort of but there’s more to it trust me” Adam said with a wink.

The elevator finally reached our floor and we stepped off and walked to the apartment. I slid off my shoes at the door, then proceeded to take off my over jacket and wandered into our room that we shared with Mike.

I sat down on the bed and Adam walked over to me and sat down beside me. He looked a bit fidgety, he sat there for a few minutes then reaching for my hand.

“Dani I know that you are going to think this is a bit sudden, but I wanted to ask you if you would marry me?“

I sat there with my jaw semi open but then it began to turn into a smile. I nodded. He picked me off the bed and spun me around.

“Im so happy you said yes” Adam said kissing me and then kissing me tummy. I gave him a look “What? I wanted to give our baby a kiss.” I smiled and gave him another kiss.

We went out into the living room where the others were sitting to tell them the news.

“Guys, we need to tell you something” Adam said

It seemed that all in unison they said “What?” which made me giggle.

“Well we are engaged”

They all got up out of their seats to congratulate us. Each of them giving us a hug. Lilli was still at the apartment so she got to hear the news right away.

“So do you know when you guys are going to get married. Like before the baby comes or after?”

“Well I guess we will have to decide that too” I said while Adam and I were looking at each other.
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Here is chapter 16:) I know its kinda short but I hope you like it anyway. Enjoy^-^