Drop It on a Dime

Chapter 17

“Who thinks that we should fly out Vegas and get married right now!?!?” Adam asked. Then raised his hand to agree with it. I smiled and shook my head.

“Adam, Im happy to be engaged but Im not ready to fly off and get married.” I said while pulling out my clothes for the day. “And just because Im pregnant doesn’t mean that we have to go out and get married right away. We can wait until the baby is born so he or she can be a part of it even if the baby cant walk or anything. Plus we should focus getting things ready for the baby.”

“I guess we could do that.” Adam seemed saddened when he replied to me.

A week later we were finally home and I was going for my first ultrasound since being at the hospital when I found out. I couldn’t believe it I was almost 9 weeks pregnant and I was beginning to have a slight bump, Adam and I were both really excited to see the figure of our baby.

We arrived at the doctors office, I signed in and waited to be called.

“Dani Andrews, please follow me.”

Adam and I followed the nurse into a larger room then normal since the ultrasound machine also had to fit.

“Please change into this gown sit up on this table, and Dr. Smith will be in shortly” the nurse said as she opened the door to leave. I changed out of my clothes and into the gown. Adam sat in the chair beside the table and held onto my hand. I began to get nervous, but yet I was excited to see the baby. I think this is what was going to make it official that I was having a baby since I was going to get to see it.

Just then my doctor came in, she was an excellent doctor if I do say so. “So Danielle Andrews is having a baby huh? Congratulations. I’ve known you since you were born”

“Thanks, and this is Adam my fiancé and father of the baby.”

“Hi Dr. Smith”

“Hi Adam, nice to meet you” Dr. Smith said shaking his hand. “Ok lets get ready to see your little one” she said smiling.

Dr. Smith opened the gown so she could get to my tummy, and placed the gel used for an ultrasound on my tummy. She turned on the machine and placed the thing that is able the show the picture of the baby and we heard the heartbeat. It had to be one of the most amazing things in my entire life. I looked at Adam and he looked down at me and kissed the top of my head.

We both stared at the machine that showed our baby. Dr Smith brought the ultrasound machine closer so I could see it better, “You can get changed and I will be right back with the pictures.” I sat there for a few seconds before looking up at Adam and smiling.

“There‘s our baby Adam, can you believe it?”

“I know Dani, so when do we find out the sex of the baby?”

“I don’t know, we will have to ask Dr. Smith when she comes back.”

I got myself dressed, and Adam and I sat there for a few moments before she came back into the room.

“Here you go you two, I will schedule you another appointment for another ultrasound around 20 weeks, then it will be time to find out the gender of your baby. Right now your baby is very healthy.”

“Thank you Dr. Smith, we were actually wondering when we could find out the gender of the baby, but you answered it already.” I said with a slight laugh at the end.

Adam and I walked out of the doctors office looking at the ultrasound pictures. We got into his car and began to drive back to my house so I could pack up more of my stuff to take to Adam’s. Most of my stuff was still in my house but I was working on getting it to Adams. When we were driving past the park that we had our first official date Adam let out a huge sigh.

“Honey what’s wrong?”

“Well, I want us to get married, but I know your not ready but I still want to.”

“I know Adam, We just need more time to concentrate on the baby, we can talk about this later” I said giving him a kiss so we could get out of the car and pack more of my stuff up. As Adam carried some of my things downstairs I began talking to Anne after showing her the ultrasound pictures.

“Awe! Its so cute! So what’s up with you?”

“Anne I don’t know what Im going to do, Adam keeps asking me if we want to go get married like right now, and its beginning to really annoy me.”

“It will be ok Dani, he just wants you guys together for the baby.”

“I know but hes just getting kind of pushy about it lately.”

“He‘ll get better Dani don’t worry too much about it.”

I had more things packed in boxes so Anne and I carried them down the stairs. Adam saw me carrying a box and almost freaked out. He took the box from my hands and set it down.

“What Adam?”

“I don’t want you to be carrying anything too heavy. I don’t want you to get hurt or hurt the baby”

“Okay I wont lift anything too heavy anymore”

“You promise?”

“I promise. Now lets get this stuff to your house”

So we drove to Adams house, I held the door for Adam as he carried my boxes in so I could unpack. And yet again I was getting weird food cravings so I was searching through his cupboards and eventually I found a few things. Then for the rest of the day we sat around and relaxed watching tv.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I would have had this out last night but I ended up going out with some of my friends to watch them get matching tattoos[they recently got married] anyway, I was sitting there and I decided that I wanted one too, sooo long story short I got the word Hope on my left wrist:) If you would like the see it let me know and I'll send you the link:)

Ok here is chapter 17 Hope you like it:) Enjoy^-^
Oh and if you havent listened to the FOB podcast put out by Pete and Patrick you should go listen to it, you will laugh your ass off!:)