Drop It on a Dime

Chapter 18

About 8 weeks have passed and Adam was still badgering me about getting married. He knew I wasn’t ready, yet he still kept asking me when we could. I think if he asked me one more time I don’t know what I would do.

I was almost 5 months pregnant. I couldn’t believe it only 4 more months to go and our little one would be here with us. I had a larger bump since the last doctors visit, my tummy began growing more and more. Lilli decided to fly out here to Chicago to see Mike and to find out how I have been doing. They have been doing really well.

2 more weeks and we would get to see get to find out the gender of the baby. I was getting more and more excited with each week. Adam was still hoping for a little girl, I’ve always wanted a girl as well but if it was a boy I would love him just as much. Adam had gone to the store to pick up some food, so I decided to take care of the laundry, hopefully he would start scolding me for carrying the basket upstairs to our room. I heard his car pull into the driveway and I walked down the stairs. But something stopped me, I felt a jab in my stomach but it didn’t hurt I just startled me. I then realized the baby was kicking for the first time. So I hurried down the rest of the stairs to meet Adam at the door.

“Adam the baby is kicking! Feel it.” I said grabbing his hand and placing it on my tummy.

“Wow, this is amazing Dani. Did it just start happening?”

“Yeah, I just took the laundry upstairs and when I was coming down the stairs I felt something in my tummy and I then realized it was the baby kicking. And don’t worry the basket wasn’t heavy” I said laughing a little at the end.

“Well as long as you don’t hurt yourself Dani”

“I wont Adam trust me. Can we go see Lilli? I miss her and I haven’t seen her since we left New York.”

“Yeah that’s fine Dani whatever makes you happy.” He said kissing my nose and grabbing a tank top to change into.

So we hopped into his car and drove over to Mike’s house where Lilli was staying for her visit. We were in the car for about 5 minutes before we arrived at Mike’s. As I was about to get out of the car I felt the baby kicking again, so I sat there with my hand on my tummy feeling every kick. Adam thought something was wrong but I told him that it was just the baby kicking again. This time the baby was kicking into overtime, but once it calmed down I pulled myself out of the car and Adam and I walked up to Mikes door.

Adam knocked on the door and Lilli answered. She was happy to see us.

“Dani you’ve gotten so big! Oh and I’ve missed you so much!” She said giving me a hug.

“Haha yeah I know, the baby just starting kicking today too Lilli.”

“Oh that’s great Dani, when do you find out if it’s a boy or a girl?“

“I have another appointment in 2 weeks then we get to find out the gender. We are both really excited. Hey Dani would you want to run to the store with me, then to pick up the pizzas that Mike ordered.”

“Sure, I‘ll go tell Adam and I‘ll grab my purse.”

I walked into the next room to find Adam and Mike playing Xbox. So I told him that we were running to the store and we would be back soon. So we climbed into Mikes car and headed for the store, when we had gotten into the car it had began to sprinkle, and by the time we got to the store it began down pouring.

We made it into the store completely soaked. I grabbed the cart and headed into the main part of the store. Just as I was taking a few steps inside that’s when it happened I slipped and began to fall. I landed on my back holding onto my stomach on the way down.

“Oh my god Dani, are you ok!!” I heard Lilli scream.

“Yeah I think so.” I was still sitting there on the floor.

“Im calling an ambulance. Sit still.”

“Call Adam too”

The ambulance finally arrived they said I was ok but they were going to take me to the hospital to make sure that the baby was ok.


“Hello? Who is this?”

“Its Lilli, Dani is at the hospital she fell at the store she thinks she’s ok but they took her to the hospital just in case.”

“Ill be there as soon as I can. Bye”


[back to Dani]

We arrived at the hospital and they wheeled me in, even though I was capable of walking in on my own. The doctor came in and did another ultrasound to make sure that the baby was ok. He looked at my chart, probably for my name

“Dani Andrews good news your babies are fine.”

“Oh thank god. Wait -- did you say babies?”

“Yeah you didn’t know you were having 2?”

“No” I said in disbelief holding my tummy. “Are you sure there‘s 2? I mean are you positive?”

“Yes Ms. Andrews there are 2 healthy babies in you.”

Just then Adam walked in, happy that I was ok. Mike and Lilli were in the waiting room.

“Is the baby ok Dani?”

“Ask the doctor for yourself” I said with a smirk.

“Is it ok Doctor?”

“Yes they are fine, they are very healthy.”


“Yes there are 2 healthy babies.”

“Do you know what gender they are?”

“Well ones a boy and one is a girl.”

“Really?” Adam and I both said in unison. We both looked at each other and laughed. They released me to go home so I could rest. Lilli and Mike had come over to see if I needed anything, I didn’t but we told them that we were having 2 babies instead of 1. For the rest of the day I sat in our bed resting while Adam was waiting on me hand and foot so I wouldn’t have to get up.
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