Drop It on a Dime

Chapter 1

“Hey Dani can you come into my office for a minute?” Billie [my boss] said walking by my office door. ‘oh great what did I do?’ I thought to myself but as I walked into her office she was smiling. “So lately the work you have been putting out has been quite amazing. I along with my boss [Pete] really like what we have been seeing and we can’t wait to see what you come up with next.”

“Thank you” I said smiling.

“There is a party for the opening of Angels and Kings tonight here in Chicago and I have 2 passes that I am giving to you for all of your hard work.” I sat there in shock but pulled myself together and thanked her again. “Thank you so much Billie!” At that point I went back to work, I walked into my office shut the door and started bouncing up and down. I was going to be going to one of the hottest openings that Chicago has seen in a long time. Not only did I get the chance of a lifetime working for Pete Wentz but I also get to go to the opening of his new club.

In an instant I called Lauren and told her the news, just as I did she was jumping up and down, almost dropping the phone and screaming. She was just as excited or maybe more than I was. I told her that I was still at work and had to go so I wouldn’t get into trouble and I would call her when I get home with more details. I finished up my work and headed home. As I pulled into my driveway I saw that Lauren was already there and had a few outfits that she couldn’t decide on wearing tonight.

I knew I was going to wear the black Gucci dress that went right above my knees and was strapless that I had bought for my parent’s anniversary party. I laid the dress out on my bed and went to take a shower. I decided to curl my hair by adding just a little gel and hairspray to it, pulled my bangs back into a clip. It looked like it could have been done at a salon but it wasn’t. I then put my eye liner and mascara on. Then it was time for my dress. I slipped it on and it looked amazing. My sister Anne helped me zip up my dress and helped me to pick out my shoes, black stilettos that happened to match my dress perfectly. I was ready but of course Lauren was still trying to figure out which outfit she was going to wear. I told her to wear her jean mini skirt and her lacey black tank top and sandals. She had just enough time to straighten her hair then we were off. She just happened to bring her mom’s Porsche. We arrived about 10 minutes early and waited in line showed our passes and we were in.

Lauren went to get our drinks as I went up to the second floor balcony area. I stood there looking over the edge moving through the crowd that seemed to appear out of nowhere. At that moment I ran into someone. I turned to see a tall very good looking guy that looked about my age maybe a little older, he saw me staring said “hi” and I began to blush.
He looked familiar but it was hard to place him. We talked for a little while and then he asked me if I wanted a drink, he didn’t even know my name and he wanted to get me a drink, but I nodded. We headed down the stairs when I heard someone yelling “SISKY!” but I just ignored it, but then the guy I was with tapped me on the shoulder and motioned me to follow him. As we got to our destination to my surprise I saw who I knew for sure was Gabe Saporta.

“Sisky Business! Long time no see!”

That’s when it clicked he was Adam T. Siska from The Academy Is…, I looked at him in awe but then snapped out of it when he turned to me and started talking. He turned to introduce me to Gabe.

“Gabe this is um… we actually haven’t formally introduced ourselves. Hold on Gabe. ” He said smiling. “My name is Adam, but everyone calls me Sisky or Sisky Business. What would your name be my dear?”

I smiled and said “My name is Dani, nice to meet you Adam- I mean Sisky.”

“Nice to meet you Dani, oh and by the way you can call me anything you would like” Adam said winking making me blush. Adam then introduced me to Gabe. Gabe was nice a little hyper but nice. Adam said goodbye to Gabe, I waved and he smiled back. Adam then grabbed my hand again making me blush and we headed towards the bar to finally get our drinks.

Even when we reached the bar he never let go of my hand. He ordered my drink since I wasn’t old enough, come to think of it I don’t think he either but that didn’t matter since he was a rock star and all.

After a few drinks we never left each other’s side. At one point we were on the dance floor then we were in one of those very private V.I.P. rooms. No it’s not what you are thinking, we did not have sex. We sat on a nearby couch talking. He wanted to know if I lived here in Chicago and where I worked.

“Yeah I live here in Chicago, I’ve lived here since I was 5, and I work for Decaydance Records designing album covers.”

“Oh really?” Adam said kind of surprised. “Well I guess that we will have to check out your ideas then.” He said smiling. But at that moment it had slipped my mind that they were on the same record company. “What do you mean we?”

“You didn’t know that The Academy Is… is on Decaydance/Fueled By Ramen?”

“No” I said laughing, but I had realized at that moment that they were. “I feel kinda stupid now.”

“No don’t feel that way Dani.” Adam said holding my hand and moving a stray hair from my face. I blushed and smiled. I felt a bit dizzy from the few drinks that I had consumed and felt myself then leaning towards Adam and snuggling into him. I felt him but his arm around me leaning his head down and he kissed my forehead. I began smiling the biggest smile before falling asleep.
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I love writing this story! lol hope you like it!
comments are nice, I love to know what you guys think about it:)