Drop It on a Dime

Chapter 19

Even though I had had a check up and found out that I was having a boy and a girl I still decided to go to my doctors appointment to make sure everything was still ok. I waited in the waiting room for Adam, but when I was called he still wasn’t there.
“Dani Andrews follow me please.”

I got up and followed Dr. Smith into the room. They did another ultrasound.

“Are they ok?”

“They are doing fine Dani, and I have an approximant date of the birth”

“Thank you, Really? When?”

“The end of December, very beginning of January.”

“Ok thank you, I will have to tell Adam. Thanks again.”

“Ill make another appointment for you between 1 to 2 months.”

“Ok thank you see you then”

I left the doctors office and went to Adam’s house. And as I looked his car was parked in the same spot that it always is in, so I pulled in and went inside.

“Adam are you home?” I yelled through the house.

“Yeah Im upstairs”

I went up the stairs to find him in the guest room moving things around.

“So this was what you were doing while I was at the doctors for our babies ultrasound?!? You said you would be there Adam.”

“Im sorry Dani I lost track of time. I was doing this and planning a surprise as well”

“Well you could have at least let me know that you weren’t going to be able to make it.”

“Im sorry I will if it happens again.”

“So what‘s my surprise you are planning?” I asked questionably kind of rocking back and forth when you want to know something.

“You will find out in a little bit”

I wanted to find out now so I began snooping around but didn’t find anything. ‘What could he be planning for me?’ I thought. A little while later I was reading my book when Adam came into the room all dressed up looking spiffy. He motioned for me to follow him, so I struggled to get off of the couch that seems to make you sink into, and followed him to the kitchen. As I walked through the door I saw that the table was set there was food on our plates. There were candles lit and the lights were down low.
“Adam this is beautiful, is this my surprise?”

“Im glad that you like it, and its only part of your surprise” He said grinning ear to ear. “So are the babies ok?”

“Yeah they are fine, Dr. Smith gave me an approximate time period for the births.”

“Really? They can tell?”

“Yes, Adam they can. Guess when it is.”


“No Sweetie, Dr. Smith told me maybe the end of December but more likely in January.”

“That’s great Dani wouldn’t it be great if they were born near my birthday?”

“That would be neat Adam, but I doubt it will happen, I mean that it does happen, you know what I mean though” He nodded in agreement and he presented to me what we would be eating. As he began to tell me what we were having the door bell rang through the house. Then a knock at the door. I got up to answer the door to a man that I had never seen before.

“Hi?” I said with the door slightly open.

“Hi, Is Adam here?”

“Yeah but who are you?” I didn’t mean to sound rude but it had to be the hormones.

“Im his brother Jason”

“Who are you?” He said as he stepped into the hallway then he saw my tummy. I told him who I was and that he was going to be an uncle. Jason had no idea that I was dating Adam or that we were having a baby nor did his mom.

“ADAM!” I was furious, he never told his family and yet he asked me to marry him over and over again.


“You never told your family that you proposed to me and even worse you didn’t even tell them that I was pregnant and having your baby?!?”

“I‘ll come back later” Jason said.

“No Jason you can stay I am leaving.”

“Dani where are you going?”

“Im going home”

“But you are home”

“No Im not, not anymore.”

“I‘ll get my things later” and with that I left Adams house and got into my car placing my other a hand on my tummy and began to cry as I drove away back to my house with Anne.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was a sad chapter but I could think of anything else at the moment, but there will be more soon:) Since its now cold out I wont be going outside to our ritual of having a campfire in our backyard. lol
