Drop It on a Dime

Chapter 21


Another week has gone by I meant what I said when he left but, I still wasn’t talking to Adam, I just wasn’t ready to talk to him yet. But he would still send me messages and leave me voice mails.

To try to get my mind off of things I decided to try to design new product that I could send into my work. Since I hadn’t been there or submitted anything new in a while. But I was on good terms with Pete so I knew I would be ok. But as I began to work I thought of the bands on Decaydance, then I thought of The Academy Is… which then made me think of Adam. As I kept working Adam was all I thought about.

To get my mind off of him again, or at least try. I decided to get a snack and watch a movie. There was no way that would think of Adam during the movie. I curled up, to the best of my abilities on the couch with Jenny and watched the movie. About 20 minutes into the movie I had fallen asleep and somehow Adam had found his way into my dreams.

It had to be in the future a bit because I had had the kids and we were on a walk in the very same park that Adam and I had our first official date. Adam and I holding hands while at the same time pushing the stroller. Adam stopped abruptly and began to kiss me, it felt so real that it had woken me up. I sat there on the couch thinking about the dream I had just had, rubbing my tummy. I missed him, and needed to see him.

It was then that I decided to call him.

“Adam, Can you come over.”

“Dani, of coarse Ill be right there.” He sounded excited that I had called.

I waited about 20 minutes then he was knocking at my door. I waddled my way to the door and I smiled weakly at him as I told him to come in. He hugged me as he walked in, and I welcomed his embrace. I have missed him, I never wanted to let go. I looked up at him as he looked down at me.

“Never let me go Adam”

“I never want to let you go, ever again.”

We leaned as close as we could since my tummy was growing bigger and bigger and kissed. “Adam Im sorry I got so upset with you, I just thought that you would have told your family.”

“Im sorry too Dani, I should have it was a stupid move on my part. I asked Jason and my mom over to dinner tonight so I could tell them in person. And I was hoping to have you there with me.”

“I would love too” I said kissing him on the nose. Then Adam kneeled down and kissed my tummy twice. Once for each of the babies. And when he did they began kicking, I think that they were happy that Adam and I had made up.

Later that night…

Adam was finishing up the dinner he was making for his brother, his mom and us. When there was a knock at the door. I let Adam put the finishing touches on the dinner and I answered the door. It was Jason and their mom. Jason had seen me but their mom had no idea so I began to think that I should have let Adam answer the door. I decided to hide behind the door so their mom couldn’t see my oversized tummy.

“Hi please come in” I said with a smile. Jason nodded his head, and their mom extended her hand out to introduce herself. “Hi Im Adams….” she broke off when she saw my stomach “are you pregnant?”

“Yeah, Adam was going to tell you at dinner, but now that you are here and you have seen me, its kind of hard to miss.” I said with a slight laugh.

“And not to be rude but its Adams?”

“Yeah they are, if not then they really like him.”

She laughed at my last remark. Then she looked at me strange and then said “they?”

I smiled. “Yes, we are having 2. A boy and a girl.”

“Oh congratulations sweetie.” She said giving me a hug.

“Im glad your ok and happy with this.”

“Of coarse, they are going to be my grandbabies. Your family knows right?”

“Yeah they know.” I laughed then said “Adam your mom and brother are here.”

I really liked Adam’s mom for just meeting her. I brought his mom into the kitchen to see Adam and Jason went into the other room and watched tv until dinner was completely ready. Dinner went well, Adam and his mom caught up on different things that they had forgotten to tell each other. We talked about how the babies were doing and when they were due. Then we told Jason and their mom how we found out that I was pregnant.

“Thank you for telling your mom Adam, and Im glad that she‘s ok with us and that Im pregnant.”

“I‘ll do anything for you Dani, I want you to always know that.”

“Good because I have to begin Lamaze classes and I want you to go with me.”

He made a face, but then was ok with it. “So how many more months left?”

“Just 2 ½ months left.” I had realized what I had just said 2 ½ months! That’s it? And we still have so much to do.
♠ ♠ ♠
For those that have been commenting thank you so much! Those that are subscribed but havent been commenting, please comment:)

and if any of you wanted to make a banner or something for the story I would love to see one since I have like no talent in makeing one:) lol

Hope you like it! Enjoy^-^