Drop It on a Dime

Chapter 23

Dinner came, which was a good thing, because I was hungry by that time. Adam and I arrived at the restaurant to see that Mike and Lilli’s car was already there. We walked in to see them having a drink at the bar. We walked over to them, meeting them about half way so we could get a table.

We sat down and began to order our food.

“So why did you guys want to go out to dinner tonight?” Lilli asked before taking a sip of her drink.

“Adam and I wanted to talk to you guys about the babies.”

“What about? Wait are they ok?”

“Yeah they are fine, We decided that we are going to name you and Mike the godparents of the babies”

“Really? That’s great Dani! I know I would love to! What about you Mike?”

“Yeah, I would love to be the godfather of the babies.” Mike replied then began laughing.

“What’s so funny Mike?” Adam asked.

“Im going to get to be THE GODFATHER.” and Mike laughed some more. We all laughed.

“I guess you are going to be THE GODFATHER” Adam said laughing.

A little bit later our food had arrived. I couldn’t believe how hungry I was, my plate arrived and I was finished before anyone else. We sat there talking for a while.

“Adam, Bill called me earlier and they finally decided that they cant wait any longer to have the release party for the album so they are going to be having it in a couple of weeks.”

“Dani, is that ok if we go?”

“Yeah, I‘ll just have to find a dress and comfortable shoes.”

He smiled and kissed my cheek. By the time we were done with our food and talking it was almost 9. Lilli gave me a hug and we went our separate ways to our cars. It was beginning to get very cold outside, I mean it was the beginning of November.

We got into Adam’s car and he started the engine blasting what was supposed to be the heat onto us, but it was cold air we felt as it blew out. I shuddered as I rubbed my arms trying to get warm. Adam pulled a blanket out of the back seat and wrapped it around me. I kissed his cheek and thanked him. About 5 minutes later we were on our way home. It was about a 20 minute ride from the restaurant to Adams house, and I had started to drift off to sleep., but I awoke suddenly when Adam came to a sudden stop. I looked over at him and he was fine, I was ok but a deer had run out in front of us. Thankfully Adam was paying attention and he stopped before and real damage could be done.

We calmed ourselves and went the rest of the way home. He pulled into the driveway and into the garage. I removed the blanket from around myself and got out the car and went into the house.

“Adam tomorrow I start Lamaze classes.”

“What time?”

“1:00, make sure you are ready”

“I will be Dani, don’t worry. When do these classes end Dani?”

“Since I signed up so late they said that they could get me into a month class.”

“Oh ok, how long will these classes last?”

“About an hour, 2 at the most.”

After our short conversation we settled into bed watching TV for a bit. While we laid there after a while, Adams arm was under my neck and I was leaning against him. Just as I was drifting to sleep the babies began kicking but not to much to keep me awake much longer. At the next moment I had drifted off into sleep.
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Sorry its so short, its a bit of a filler. But the next will be longer:) Hope you like it:) Enjoy^-^