Drop It on a Dime

Chapter 24

The next morning….

I shook Adam awake. Since he wasn’t up yet.

“Adam, you need to get up we have a Lamaze class to get to.”

I heard a groan and he pulled the blanket over his head. “Adam come on” I did the only thing that I could think of. I went down to the end of the bed untucked the blanket and pulled them off of him. Which caused an even louder groan as his hand searched for the blanket that was no longer there.

“Ok Im getting up. How long do I have?”

“An hour…”

“An hour? I could still be sleeping Dani”

“…until the appointment starts, so we need to leave before that so we get there on time.”

He made and “oh” face and climbed off the bed. Came around to the side I was on wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck.

“Adam we don’t have time for that. Now go shower.”

He kissed my lips and went into the bathroom. While he was doing that I got my things around for the class. I waddled myself down the stairs into the kitchen, I was so hungry. I heard the water shut off so I knew that Adam was done. Then I heard a crash. I went up the stairs as fast as I could and opened the bathroom door.

“What did you do?” I said laughing

“I didn’t do anything, the shelf just fell off the wall… Dani don’t come in here I think there is glass on the floor.”

“Ok but what about you, mister Im standing here in a towel. I’ll go get a broom.”

By the time I came back with the broom Adam had cleaned up the mess to the best of his abilities and I began to sweep up what was left. I tried to bend over to sweep it into and pan but I just couldn’t get down there.

“Adam when we get back can you clean the rest of this up? I cant get it” I said gently patting my tummy.

“Yeah I‘ll get it, ok you ready to go Dani”

“Adam I‘ve been ready” I said laughing.

We got into the car, and drove to our Lamaze class. We were not the only ones that decided to take the month class. There were a few other couples. We all introduced ourselves, we were there about an hour and a half. The instructor explained to us what we would be learning and how it would help us when we do go into labor.

We got home and as Adam promised he cleaned up the rest of the mess, and I relaxed on the bed. After Adam was done cleaning up he joined me on the bed, I laid there and fell asleep while he watched TV. I awoke slightly to see that it was already 4 pm and Adams arms were around me. I smiled as I watched him sleep, and I slid off the bed not waking him and went down to the kitchen. I decided to make some tea, as I was finishing up in the kitchen Adam came walking sleepily down the stairs.

“Sleep well sweetie?”

He gave me a smile and went to the fridge. “Hey Adam, would you want to take me shopping for a dress for the release party?”

“Sure but lets stay in tonight. We can go in a few days. We have a couple of weeks until we have to go to LA.”


“Yeah, Mike told me when you and Lilli were talking.”

“Ok that’s fine, but is it going to be safe for me to fly on a plane while I am 8 months pregnant?”

“We could make an appointment or just call the doctor to make sure Dani, I would really like you to be there.” Adam said then kissing my cheek.

“I know I want to be there too, I‘ll go call right now”

I searched for my cell phone, and when I finally found it I called and talked to the receptionist at Dr. Smith’s office. “Hi Marie, this is Danielle Andrews and I was wondering since I am 8 months pregnant, would it be safe for me to fly to LA with my boyfriend for his bands cd release party?”

“Hi Dani, can you hold on for a second, Dr. Smith is right here I‘ll ask her.”

“Ok thanks Marie.”

Not even a minute later Marie was back on the phone and told me that Dr Smith said it was fine for me to travel as long as I wasn’t but under too much stress. I thanked them and went to tell Adam that it was safe for me to fly to LA with them. He smiled and gave me a hug.

“Make sure you have your credit card ready for when we go shopping for my dress” I said with a wink and patting his cheek slightly.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I figured that there is going to be about 6 more chapters in this story.
Hope you like it:)