Drop It on a Dime

Chapter 25

“You know I try to get close to you. You don't realize what you're putting me through. The things I do, yeah, I do them for you.“

We sang in the car as we were driving to the department store to find a dress for the release party. I decided to also invite Lauren, who I haven’t seen because she went to visit her grandparents out of state and Lilli, so they could tell me how the dresses looked. We walked into the store and we were greeted by a personal assistant.

“Welcome ladies, my name is Abby how may I help you?”

“Hi my name is Dani, and I need a dress for a formal occasion but Im not sure what I should get.”

“What type of dress are you looking for Dani? Semi-short so you can where a pair of pants with it, medium, or long?”

“I was hoping for something in the medium range, I am also looking for a cute pair of flats to go with it so I don’t strain my feet in heels.”

“Well lets choose your dress, then worry about the shoes. We have a few selections in what you are looking for. Any specific colors that you have in mind?”

“No, Im not too worry about the color I just want to get something that will look cute.”

“Ok well lets get to work then.” Abby said smiling leading us to the dresses.

She took us to a rack of dresses, some with prints and most solid colors. She pulled out a few to show them to me. There were 2 that I really liked. One was a dark blue dress with a blueish-gray trim around the sleeves and the bottom of the dress and the other was a low v-neck purple wrap dress with a belt. I tried both of them on, but I decided to go with the purple dress.

“Im going to take the purple dress Abby. Do you have any ideas for shoes?”

“Yes actually, I have the perfect pair. What is your size dear?”

“Size 9 ½”

She walked into the back room and came out with a box of flats. She pulled them out and she was right they were perfect. They were a bit of a mix of silver with indigo. We went to the counter to pay for them, and I called Adam to find out where he wanted to meet up.

6 rings, Adam pick up your phone I thought.

“Hello beautiful”

“Hey sweetie we are about to leave the store, where are you?”

“We are at Bill‘s house. That was kind of quick. Did you find what you wanted?”

“Yeah, I will show you when we get there, see you in a bit love you”

“Love you too Dani.”

I grabbed my bags from the counter and we walked out the door to my car. Thankfully Bill didn’t live too far away from Adam so all I had to do was look for BECKETT on the mail boxes. I had only ever been to his house once and that was a while ago. Then I spotted it and I pulled into the drive way. Even before I had to call Adam or beep the horn his gate opened, I pulled the car into the long driveway and parked it. I pulled out my bags and Lilli, Lauren, and I walked into Bill’s house.

“Adam where are you?” I said walking into the house.

“We are out on the patio”

We walked through Bill’s house out onto the patio, “Guys this is Lauren” They all said hello. I walked up to Adam and wrapped my arms around Adams neck and gave him a kiss.

“How was shopping?”

“Its was great, I found the perfect dress with the perfect shoes.”

He smiled “Can I see it on you perhaps?”

“Yeah, but where is Bill‘s bathroom?”

“Which one?” he laughed “Come on I‘ll show you”

He lead me into the house, through a few rooms and stopped “Here you go my love”

“Thank you” but before I went into change he pulled me into his arms staring into my eyes.

“Dani, Im glad that you are coming with me”

I smiled at him “Me too, now let me go change so you can see how it looks.”

He laughed and let me go into the bathroom to change. It took me a bit longer then usually since my tummy was so big. But finally I was changed and walked out to find that Adam had gone back outside. I walked back through the house, getting lost at one point, back to the patio.

I saw Adam and walked over to him “So do you like it?” He looked me up and down and smiled.

“It looks beautiful on you Dani”

“Well of coarse it does Adam.” he smiled and kissed my nose.

“Do you want to get going so we can finish packing?” Yeah just let me go change.

“Yeah just let me go change. We are going to take Lauren home too. Did you drive over to Bill‘s or did Mike pick you up?”

“That’s fine Dani. Mike picked me up”

After I changed I went to find Lauren to tell her we were leaving, and to tell everyone that we would see them in the morning. We dropped Lauren off, and went home. We were finally home and all I wanted to do was sleep, but I know that I had to finish packing a few things plus my dress and shoes. I finally made it up to our room and I sat down on the bed wanting to lay down but I knew that I shouldn’t. Luckily at that moment the babies began moving around making me have to pee. So I got up off the bed and went to the bathroom that was attached to our room. When I was finished I saw Adam laying down on the bed like I wanted to but I knew that we had to finish packing, so pulled my suitcase out and flopped it onto the bed scaring Adam.

“Oh sorry” I said with a smirk.

“Uh huh, sure Dani” he also said smirking.

I finished up putting my things into my suitcase for the trip, changed into my pajamas and laid down next to Adam snuggling myself into him. I was excited tomorrow we get to go to LA. I heard Adam snoring softly and I knew that he was out.

I thought maybe that you would like the see what the outfit would look like:)

http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k44/amantes08/stories/purpledress.gif - the dress the Dani bought

http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k44/amantes08/stories/bf_stellaDNM2.jpg - shoes that Dani bought
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Here you go. I have almost the rest of the story written out. Hope you like it. Enjoy^-^