Drop It on a Dime

Chapter 27

I awoke to hear the shower running and no Adam beside me. I stayed in bed and rubbed my tummy, just a little longer I thought to myself. The shower shut off and Adam walked out with a towel around his waist.

“Oh Im sorry, did I wake you Dani?”

“No sweetie you didn’t wake me. What time is the party tonight?”

“Um I think it is at 8, but Pete wants to talk to us before that.”

“Can I come?” I asked with a smile

“Of course you can”

“Good because I was going to anyway” I said with a slight laugh.

“I figured” Adam said with a smirk.

I got out of bed and climbed into the shower. I was in the shower for more then 15 minutes just letting the warm beat against my skin. It relaxed me so much. I finally climbed out and wrapped a towel around me, and walked into the cool room compared to the nice toasty bathroom that I had been in. Adam was still in his boxers laying on the bed. I decided that I would just put my dress on for later so I wouldn’t have to change. I curled my hair like I did that night that I had first met Adam. While thinking of the night that Adam and I had met, I snapped out of my day dream and heard my phone ringing. I looked at the caller id that read “Lilli”

“Hey Lilli”

“Hi Dani, would you want to get some lunch with me before the guys have to meet Pete?”

“Sure, where do you want to go?”

“Well I was just going to order some room service and eat in my room, you can order anything you want”

“Ok I‘ll be over in a little bit”

I hung up my phone and finished getting around. Adam was still in his boxers sleeping. I decided to wake him up with a kiss. I leaned over and kissed him on the lips, just as I was about to pull away I felt his lips deepen the kiss and he was trying to pull me over onto the bed.

“Adam stop, I don’t want to get hurt.”

“Huh?” Adam said groggily.

“You were trying to flip me onto the bed”

“Sorry, I didn’t even realize”

“Its ok, I just wanted to tell you that I was going to get some lunch with Lilli over in her room. I didn’t want to just leave, I knew that you would probably freak out if I didn’t tell you”

He smiled “Yeah that’s probably true, ok I’ll see you in a little while then” I gave him a peck on the lips grabbed my phone and purse and walked down the hall to Lilli and Mike’s room. As I went to knock on the door it flung open and out walked Mike and scaring me in the process.

“Im sorry Dani!”

“Its ok, is Lilli ready for lunch?”

“So that’s why she wanted to kick me out of the room.” He said laughing

“Yeah, you could go scare Adam if you wanted to, he‘s asleep on the bed.”

“Ok” Mike laughed as he walked away.

So I walked into their room and I plopped myself onto the bed next to Lilli who was looking at the menu.

“Hey Dani, do you want to get some Mexican?”

“Oh my god that sounds so good! Yes definitely!”

“Ok, look at the menu and pick anything out that you want” Lilli tossed the menu at me and I began to look it over.

“Definitely get some Nachos, oh and I want one of those big burrito things”

“A burrito grande?” Lilli said laughing

“Yeah that” I smiled. Lilli ordered our food, they said it would be about 15 minutes so we sat there and talked about a few things. And then finally our food arrived, I was starving! Lilli tipped the waiter and brought my food over to me. I grabbed a fork and I began eating. It was a bit spicy but I didn’t care, it tasted so good. We sat there after eating, and I patted my tummy “I hope you guys liked that, I know I did” I said talking to my babies.

“Well Im going to go check on Adam, and make sure I have everything for tonight.”

“Ok I‘ll see you in a little while Dani”

I shut the door and walked back to our room. I slid my card and walked in. Adam was in in jeans, shirt and a nice overcoat.

“Don’t you look nice?” I said dusting off his shoulders.

“You look absolutely beautiful Dani”

I smile crept its way onto lips and I gave him a kiss.

“We have to go meet Pete”


“Yeah, he wants to run through what we are going to be doing tonight.”

“Ok, Lets go.” I smiled and grabbed my bag, and Adam and I walked hand in hand towards the elevator where we met up with everyone else.
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Sorry for the delay! I finally had inspiration to finish writing this chapter:) lol
I should have another one soon since I made you guys wait. Hope you like it:)