Drop It on a Dime

Chapter 2

When I awoke, I realized that I wasn’t where I had fallen asleep. I sat up and looked around the room. I guessed it to be a guest bedroom since there were no personal items to say it was someone’s permanent room.

Then I thought ‘oh shit! What about Lauren! She went to get drinks for us and I didn’t see her the rest of the night!’ So I searched for my phone to find it sitting in a chair with my shoes. I texted her to let her know I was ok and to find out if she was alright. A few moments later she texted back saying she was ok. She was home and taking care of a hangover. I laughed when I read that, but then thought ‘Where the hell am I?’

I walked out of the room down the hall and down the stairs into the kitchen. There I saw Adam sitting at the table eating pancakes. [Reference to a video on YouTube SLH 19] “Um Adam? How did I get here?”

I must have startled him because he almost threw his pancakes at me. “Sorry” I said smiling.

“Well you fell asleep on me and I didn’t know where you lived so I brought you to my house and put you in my guest bedroom.”

“Oh thanks.” I blushed. ’I fell asleep on him?!? How stupid of me.’ “Well since you let me sleep in your guest room for the night, I’m sure that you have seen enough of me so I’ll go home.”

“Dani - wait. I loved having you here. Stay for breakfast?” Adam said with a small smile. I agreed and sat down and ate pancakes with him.

I ended up spending most of the day with Adam at his house. I really enjoyed being with him, in the few short hours that I had been with Adam I learned one important thing… he loved pizza. While watching a movie which happened to be The Hills Have Eyes [random movie I thought of lol] which I personally think he did just so he could put his arm around me, but anyway he decided to order 2 pizzas and ate an entire one himself.

As he was about to finish off the pizza I was eating, which I only had a couple of pieces, there was a knock at the door. Adam was still eating so I told him I would get it. As I opened it a bucket of water came rushing at me. Of course my first reaction would be to scream, which I did. At that point Adam came running out yelling at the people who began apologizing like crazy. Thank god Adam had given me a pair of shorts and one of his shirts to wear or my dress would have been destroyed. Adam ran to get a towel as I stood there wet and glared at the other 4 now standing in the living room.

“We’re really sorry. We thought you were Sisky.”

“Yeah cause I look like a guy, thanks.” I was mad but then realized the guy I was talking to was known as “The Butcher.” Adam returned with towels, a fluffy white robe and another change of clothes for me to put on. “Thanks Adam.” I said putting on the robe and putting a towel on my hair and shaking it.

I then went to the bathroom to dry off and change when I heard the guys talking, so I decided to stand at the door and listen.

“So who is she Sisky?”

“Well Michael Carden if you must know I met her last night, her name is Dani, and she lives here in Chicago and works at Decaydance Records designing album covers.” I heard Adam say.

“Well do you like her?”

“Well yeah Billvy! You have known me since I was 13, I think you would be able to tell when I like someone.” Adam said laughing.

He really liked me? No wonder he didn’t want me to leave, in all reality I didn’t want to leave this morning either. They must have been playing 20 questions about me because as I started to listen again they were still asking questions. Then I heard an accent, it was Chizzy.

“So Sisky, are you going to ask her? Well you know?”

“I was thinking about it” he trailed off because at that moment I decided to walk out and join them. I smiled and walked right up to Adam and planted a kiss right on his lips. I could hear the guys awing behind us. I pulled away and he smiled with my arms still wrapped around his neck and his arms around my waist.

“Oh and Adam my answer is yes.” I smiled as I said it. His face became engulfed in a huge smile then kissed me again.
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Heres chapter 2!:D
hope you enjoy it!
keep the comments comming:)
I must go to bed now, college in morning!lol