Drop It on a Dime

Chapter 3

After Bill, Butcher, Mike, and Chizzy had left after talking to Adam about recording another album, Adam and I decided to go to my house that happened to be about 20 minutes away from his.

When we arrived my dog Jenny met us at the door. Jenny was a 4 month Yorkie and surprisingly took to Adam very well. I gave Adam a tour of my sister and my house that we had gotten together, with Jenny right on our heels.

“Adam I’m going to change then take Jenny for a walk. Would you want to come with us or would you rather just go home?”

“I would love to go on a walk with my two girls.” Adam said smiling. I kissed his cheek then went to get changed.

I changed out of Adam’s clothes that he let me borrow into one of my favorite pair of my skinny jeans and a blue v-neck. I then hung my dress back onto the hanger in the closet, threw my hair up fixed my make up and walked back down to Adam and Jenny.

Jenny began barking which meant she was ready for her walk that she knew was coming. I grabbed her leash clipped it to her collar and walked out the door. As we walked my free hand and Adams laced together.

As we walked Adam suddenly veered off in another direction which startled me a little when he let go of my hand but I followed him with Jenny right in front of me. As Jenny and I got closer I saw him running into the park ‘What is he doing?’ I thought. Then I saw him sitting under a big willow tree on a picnic table cloth with food and wine. Adam was such a sweetheart he even brought something for Jenny.

“Adam what is all this?” I asked happy but a bit confused.

“I saw this park on the way to your house earlier, and when you were changing I called and had this set up for us and of course Jenny.” He said patting her head. Jenny jumped into his lap and licked his face. “I guess she likes it.” Adam said laughing.

I saw a nearby root that was sticking out of the ground so I tied Jenny to it, but when I went to sit I tripped landing in Adam’s lap.

“You know I like this position Ms. Andrews.” He said smirking.

“Why would that be Mr. Siska?”

“Because it’s easier for me to do this.” He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me.

After breaking apart he reached for some wine glasses but I pulled him into another kiss that began to get heated but we stopped once we realized that we were still in public, although where we were no one could see us. I then saw Jenny running around chasing the little bugs that were flying around. Which I have to say was one of the cutest things ever.

I looked at my phone to see it was almost 9.

“Adam it’s almost 9, do you want to go back to my house?” he nodded. We cleaned up ‘our spot’ I unhooked Jenny and Adam and I began walking back to my house hand in hand.

When we arrived I figured he would kiss me good night then leave to go home but he followed me to my steps and up to my door.

As I went to unlock the door I realized it wasn’t locked which confused me greatly since I knew that I had locked it. I was then thinking the worst… what if someone had broken into my house since Anne’s car wasn’t parked in the drive way I knew she wasn’t home. Or maybe I just forgot to lock the door on our way out? Yeah that’s it one small mistake…. But as we walked into the house I saw my ex-boyfriend Joe sitting on the couch.

“How the hell did you get in here?” I yelled startling him and Adam who was standing behind me. Joe looked up and smirking at me then saw Adam and began to glare.

He got up and said “the key under your mail box, where you always leave it.”

“Get out”

“Wait I want to talk to you.” Joe said still glaring at Adam.

“About what? How you came home one night and hit me when you were drunk? That’s why everything between us is over.”

*que Adam*

“You hit her!?” Adam said becoming angry but Joe ignored him.

“Not on purpose, I didn’t know what I was doing, you cant blame me for that DanI.“ Joe said.

“What do you mean I cant blame you for that Joe?! You are the one that drank, you are the one that came home angry about something then you hit me when I asked you where you were. I say that I can blame all of that on you!” I said yelling at Joe.

He took a few steps towards me, when Adam stepped in front of me blocking him from me.

“And who is this jackass?” Joe asked.

Only I didn’t have to answer this time…

“Im her boyfriend and your not so I think that you should leave like she says.” Adam said angrily at Joe.

“After I talk to DanI for a minute, alone.” Joe said.

“Its okay Adam, he‘s going to be leaving in a minute anyway. Do you think that you could take Jenny into the kitchen for me please.” He nodded then picked up Jenny and went into the kitchen.

“Okay you have one minute, what do you want?” I said snapping at Joe.

“I want you back with me Dani, I love you and I want to be together.” He said getting closer and closer to me with each word.

“No, I don’t want you and I definitely don’t love you, I love Adam.”

Joe then got very angry and slapped me across the face making me fall to the floor. I screamed a little and Adam came running in seeing me holding my face and lying on the floor. In the next second Adam had punched Joe and then Joe punched Adam then left. A black mark was forming around Adam’s left eye as he pulled me into a hug as I started to cry.

“Its okay, shh, clam down Dani, he wont be back to hurt you I promise.” Adam said consoling me.

“Thank you Adam.” I choked out resting me head on his chest and his hand rubbing my back. Then I said those three words that I never thought I would say this soon to him “I love you Adam.”

And to my surprise he said it back “I love you too Dani.” We both smiled and kissed. He sat there on the couch with me until I fell asleep and carried me to my room because I awoke to see Adam sitting in a chair near my bed. I got out of bed and woke him to tell him to climb into bed with me so he was more comfortable. I slowly dragged himself out of the chair and onto the bed. I went to the other side and climbed back into bed with Adam wrapping his arms around me as we both fell back to sleep.
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Sorry it took so long to get out, the computer decided it wasnt going to work for a little while, but its working now so heres chapter 3:)