Drop It on a Dime

Chapter 4

The next morning I awoke to Adam taking up more then half of the bed but I was small so I didn’t really mind. Adam was so cute when he slept . His short hair, yet long enough to mess with was sticking up all over the place. When I noticed his black eye and I then thought of what had happened the night before and what we had said to each other. I smiled when I heard him beginning to stir out of his sleep.

“Good morning handsome.” I smiled and he smiled back at me and said “Good morning to you too beautiful.” I kissed him and tried to get up but Adam pulled me back onto the bed, wrapping his arms around me.

“Adam I need to get up.”

“No you don’t.” he said mumbling into my neck.

“Yes I do, unless you want to lay on a waterbed, I need to get up I have to pee.” He laughed and let me get up.

I went to the bathroom, then went back to my room to see Adam sprawled across my entire bed sleeping again. I smiled and I decided since the only spot I could lay back down was on top of him, I climbed on top of him waking him up. He looked shocked then smiled.

“So this is what you want huh?” he said smirking.

“No Adam you perv” I said smacking him playfully “you were taking up the entire bed and the only spot left was on top of you.” I said laughing and winking.

“Well in that case, this is what I want.” he said flipping me under him. “This is what Im thinking.” he then began kissing my neck to my jaw line to my lips then back down my neck to my collar bone, which I was enjoying but the finally got a hold of the situation.

“Adam” I gasped out. “Mhm?” Adam mumbled still kissing my collarbone. “I hate to kill the mood but my door is open and I don’t want my sister walking in on us, since I just heard her door open.”

He sighed and said “well we are not finished here.” Adam said smirking.

“I know sweetie” I said kissing his lips and wiggling out from underneath him. I got off the bed and walked into the hallway to meet my sister Anne.

“Hey Dani, where were you yesterday?”

“Oh, umm… well you know that club opening I went to the other night?” She nodded and then I continued. “I met someone and ended up falling asleep on him in one of the private rooms after talking for a while. So he must have carried me to his car because I woke up in his guest room and then I spent the entire day with him.”

“Oh that’s great! What‘s his name?”

“Adam T. Siska” I said with slight smile. Anne’s mouth dropped then said “of The Academy Is…?” I nodded.

“And are you dating?” I nodded again. She squealed which brought Adam out of my room which shocked Anne.

“What‘s going on?” Adam asked looking at us. Then he saw my sister staring at him and then said “Oh.” he smiled and held onto my hand.

We walked downstairs to the kitchen where Jenny was patiently waiting for food and to go outside. I let her out while I poured her food . Just as I was finishing putting the bag of food away she came running in to her food and water dish.

Adam was already looking through our cupboards, ‘its like he’s never full’ I thought. Then I heard “ah ha!”


“You have lucky charms!” Adam said excited.

“Oh ok, I thought you found something else.” I said laughing.

“What did you think I was going to find?”

“Oh nothing” I said smiling. There was really nothing that he could have found, I just wanted to mess with his head.

We sat down at the table and I proceeded to tell Anne what had happened when we got back from taking Jenny for a walk, and being the big sister that she is wanted to go kick his ass but I told her that Adam saved me from him then he left.

Adam smiled at the last remark, must be he liked the thought that he saved me.

Anne got up and left the room to go take a shower and got ready for the day.

“Hey Dani, would you want to go with me to the studio with me today.”

“Sure I’d love to go with you, what time?”

“The guys told me around 2.”

I looked at the clock it was only 10 am.

I wrapped my arms around Adam’s neck and I smiled. “Adam can I ask you something?”

“Sure, anything sweetie”

“How did I get so lucky to find you?” I said smiling and kissing his nose making him smile.

“I should be asking the same question.”

We sat on the couch, well actually Adam scooped me up in his arms and sat us down on the couch, wrapping his arms around me like he did in the park. I leaned against his shoulder listening to his breathing. I looked up at him when he began to hum “Fall for you” by Secondhand Serenade, and the smile on my face began to grow. As he continued I began to sing the words to him.

“Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you over again don't make me change my mind or I won't live to see another day I swear it's true…” but I was cut off by Adam singing the last few words.
“Because a girl like you is impossible to find. You're impossible to find” he sang moving a piece of hair out of my face tucking it behind my ear. At that moment I smiled and pulled him into a kiss that we both had never experienced. It was like one of those moments that time just stood still as we looked into each others eyes.

Adam picked me up off his lap and carried me to his car, I have to say I was a bit confused. I climbed in, he picked up a bag and threw it into the back seat and climbed into the driver’s side seat.

“Where are we going Adam?”

“You‘ll see” he said smirking.
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Sorry I didnt get this out before, Ive been really busy with college. Hope you like this:) Enjoy^-^