Drop It on a Dime

Chapter 5

After a short drive we arrived at his house. He unlocked the door, and we just made it to the couch before we began kissing again.

“We wont be interrupted here” Adam said smirking again.

He wrapped his arms around me and picked me up bridal style and laid me on the couch. He kissed down my neck with his hand beginning to ride up my shirt. Adam had the biggest grin on his face as I ran my hands up and down his chest. Just as we were really getting into the moment his phone began to ring. He looked at me with pleading eyes, and I told him to go ahead and grab it.

It was Bill. He wanted to remind Adam about the studio at 2. Adam hung up and we were almost back to where we were before when my phone began to ring. I grabbed my phone because I knew if I didn’t it would just keep going off with my luck. It was Lauren.

“Hey Lauren, what‘s up?”

“Hey Dani, I was just wondering if you would want to go out to lunch today or go shopping?”

“Umm… Im going to say lunch because I‘m going with Adam to the studio.”

“Whose Adam?” I cant believe I didn’t tell her about Adam! What is wrong with me?

“You will know who is when I tell you where I met him.” I said trying to think of a way to tell her without freaking out. “Well when we went to Angels and Kings the other night, well I sort of met someone and we started dating.”

“who is it Dani?” Lauren said impatiently.

“His name is Adam…”

“Adam who?”

“T. Siska” I finally told her.

“WHAT?!? YOU ARE DATING ADAM T. SISKA?!?” She was freaking out just like I thought she would.

“Yeah, I cant believe that I didn’t get a chance to tell you. Im sorry. Anyway he‘s really sweet and caring.”

“That’s ok Dani, so is he going to be at lunch too?” she asked.

“Well probably, since he has to be at the studio at 2.”

“Ok I‘ll see you then!” I could tell that she was really excited.

“Bye.” I hung up the phone and told Adam that we were going to lunch with Lauren before going to the studio. So I decided to go take a shower, but then I realized ‘shit I don’t have any clothes.’

“Hey Adam, I don’t have any clothes here. So do you think that you could drive me back to my house?”

“No need my dear Dani. I brought some of your clothes with us.” Adam said while going to the garage getting the bag out of the back seat of the car. “I was thinking smarter not harder.” He was laughing by that point. I thanked him and went to his bathroom to get into the shower. But I decided to leave the door part way open to tease him, I soon realized that it worked. After a few minutes being in the shower I heard the door creak open more.

“Adam?” I peaked out the shower curtain to see Adam standing only in his boxers with a wide grin. “Don’t even think about it mister.” I said laughing.

“watch me” I said still grinning.

I grabbed my towel that was sitting next to the shower wrapped it around myself and hopped out as Adam hopped in. He looked back confused and jumped as he saw me standing there. All I got to see was his Santi tattoo and the rest of his ass.

While Adam showered I got dressed. As I was pulling my shirt over my head he stepped out with a towel wrapped around his waist. “Damn” Adam whispered.


“I missed all the good stuff” He said laughing.

“Well maybe you will see it later… or not.” I said winking as I walked out of his bathroom to grab my brush and make-up.

I walked back into the bathroom as he was pulling his jeans up.

“wow, you get around fast don’t you?” I said giving him a peck on the cheek. He smiled and went back to getting around as I finished up my hair and make-up so we could get to lunch with Lauren.
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sorry it took so long. College has been kicking my ass at times. I should be doing my homework right now but im not. lol:) Enjoy^-^