Love, War, And The Ability To Snap Your Fingers

April 30th, 1861

Dear Diary,

We left the dock this morning. Right now it is half pass nine, and I cannot sleep a wink. Every second I feel as if I will just lift out of this horrid nightmare. But to my dismay, it has not happened yet. Like all other days, this day started the same. I woke up completely unaware of what day it was. For the first time in ages, I awoke smiling, and thinking of my darling James Donovan; what a man he was. Unfortunately my mother loathes him with the passion. She thinks he is nothing but a low life, because of where his father works; but I see pass ancestry. I see his heart.

Well, if you get pass all that I will continue on with this morning.

I went into the kitchen and noticed that all my belongings were packed in my suitcases. At first I did not think anything of it, but as soon as I realized that Martha, our cook, was not cooking, I panicked! I hurried to my father’s library.

“Father!” I proclaimed rather loudly.

“Matilda, sweetheart, I cannot think while you outspokenly barge into my gallery. Now, what is it?” Cedric, my father, questioned in a very stern tone.

I took a deep breathe to calm myself down, and spoke once more.

“Father, all of my things are packed into the kitchen corner, and I cannot imagine why. Was Bella apart of this?”

Bella was our maid, and my very best friend. We would do everything together, and we would have much fun doing it.

My father took off his reading glasses and looked at my dourly.

“Yes, Bella did your packing, but it was because I had asked her to. Did you forget what today was?” he had asked eyes still unsympathetic.

I nodded, timidly.

Father exhaled and stated, “Today is the day you go out to sea with Captain Nights…Remember?”

My mind went back to when my mother and I had this long rant about the dangers of the Civil War. I did not speak to her for days, and in doing so I had forgotten the trip all together.

Tears began to fall like they did that night.

“Father, I-” I was ripened to plead and beg, on the other hand, my father was not going to listen.

“Matilda Elizabeth Susan Lannan, I am appalled by your behavior these days! I thought I raised you better than that? Now, you will put on fresh garments and wait out in the front for your taxi; do I make myself clear young lady?”

Being scolded at was no laughing matter, but no matter how many time I saw the vain in my father’s head pulse it made me laugh all the while.

I stifled my laughter, nodded, and ran out of the library and up the stairs.

“It’s not fair!” I whined to Bella, “Young lady, young lady! I am not so young anymore! Do you not think he is being unreasonable?” I asked as she tightened my corset.

“Well…it is dangerous, and your mother and father love you a lot. You probably shouldn’t go against them…” Bella took their side.

“Oh, quiet; your English is terrible….” I mumbled stubbornly.

I put on all of m attire and walked out to the front with Bella. She held my suitcase tightly in her rough hands. Suddenly, she jumped, and directs her eyes to a tree near by.

“What is it?” I question, a tiny bit frightened by her sudden reaction.

Just as I spoke, James moved out from behind the tree. He gave me his signature smirk, and my heart swooned with delight. I dropped the luggage I was carrying, and ran into his embrace.

“Did you miss me?” James asked, he obviously knowing the answer.

“Do you have to ask?” I answered his question with another question; which mother told me to never do.

James chuckled. James Donovan was six feet tall, had blonde, and gorgeous pale blue eyes; but I did not like him just for his looks. He had a kind nature and was the most chivalrous man I have ever met. The love of my life.

James kissed my on the cheek, and the smirk graced his lips once more.

“I came to say goodbye. Bella told me everything.” James explained.

I turned to Bella with the biggest smile in the history of smiles.

“You are the utmost doll, Bella!” I cried, clinging to her around the neck.
She just beamed at me as if she already knew I was going to utter that.

Unfortunately, I had to depart. I could not bear to look back at James, or Bella. When I got to the harbor I was miserable. Though it was not lady like, I did not say a word to the sailors, or captains; I kept my mouth shut, and just nodded, or shook my head. When we finally reached the ship it was utter chaos. Men were scampering all over the place. A large man with a very dirty beard approached me. He inspected me, and I raised a brow.

“Can I assist you?” I finally spoke. He leered, and turned his back to me.

“Captain, she’s here!” the man hollered, quite loudly.

“Excellent!” a voice said out in the distance.

A man came striding up to me, with a shaky old man by his side.

“Matilda Lannan?” the “captain” questioned.

“Captain Cyrus Nights?” I questioned back. He gave me a steady nod.

“Nice to finally meet you in person, madam…” he greeted, taking my hand and nodding to it politely.

I put on a false smile and just nodded, like a good young lady.

“Well, I am sure you will be fine in your chambers for the time being. We shove at five bells. Supper is at seven, and lights out by…hmmm…nine? Yes, I think that’s it. I will introduce you to the crew in the morning, but for now…” he trailed off, and then hit the old man next to him on the back dreadfully hard. “First mate, Reginald, will escort you to your room. Reginald?”

The elderly man, known as Reginald, took me to my new cabin, and I haven’t left since. I got sea sick, I did not eat, and I locked my door. I was not going to humor those hoodlums. So, now I am in bed. Cold, hungry, sick to my innards. That is how my day went. And it is probably just the beginning.

Well I must sleep; though I am not the least bit tired. Hopefully this time I will go to sleep in a trice.

You’re Beloved,
Matilda Lannan
♠ ♠ ♠
This story takes place during the Civil War. You don't know how many things I've googled, and looked up on thesaurus dot com. And you can't use contractions so this took forever. But I love stories like this. It gives me a sense of how it was like; and now I finally made one ^_^


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