Thoughts From A Writer and An ADHD Teenager

Don't You See What's Around Your Life.

Have you ever noticed how people get so caught up with their own little lives that they don't even realize what's happening around them. It's like tunnel vision, all you see is what's in front of you. There's so much going on around you that you would be interested in. Like when you become an adult, you get a job. You have a daily routine, and you follow it, but there's more than you're routine! I hear people saying how they wish they could know what's going outside of their lives. Well losers, all you have to do is slow yourself down and take the time to see what your missing. Like you could get so caught up with your work that you missed your daughters fourth birthday, and then you wonder why no one told you about it. You were so caught up with one thing you couldn't see what happened around you. The things that make it worse is school: the higher the grade level, the more spaced out people become. The students stress themselves in a coma trying to get an A as their final grade for the semester. But there's really no need to be like that, just slow yourself down and take a break. You will get that A, but just chill. You'd be surprised how many people wish they would get an A. It would make things so much easier on you.