Thoughts From A Writer and An ADHD Teenager

Things That I Have Thought About.

Yea I know I haven't added anything lately, but it was only because I haven't had any time due to school and because I haven't gotten any good inspiration to it. But now I do

Ok who the hell came up with words?? I mean did people just get lazy and say "Oh yea this word also means that one as well" Like the words To, Too, and Two. THEY ARE THE SAME BUT DIFFERENT! Oh and another thing, those words that no one can difine no matter what they do.

Like the word Normal. What is normal? There is no true difiniton to it. Normal for me is converse that don't match in color, and heavy metal music. That's my normal, but your normal could be going to the mall, or liking high fashioned cloths. So if you really think about it, there are so many different ways the word normal could be used.

And then there's cloths, people are like "Why do we have to wear a uniform" at my high school ok? And hello!! The reason we wear uniforms is because it cuts down on the whole factor of "My cloths are better than yours" and it also prevents "gangs" from getting pissed off because some kid liked the color red, and wore it to school, and they thought that they were making fun of them. So they either jump the kid, or they jsut try and kill him. It makes no sense of what this world is coming to. Back then people didn't worry about getting shot just because of the cloths they wore, I just wish that people would just wake up and smell the roses, I mean hello! they are jsut cloths, all cloths do is protection on our bare skin againtst the weather. Not to make people get injured just because someone found the color red offensive. It makes my stomach churn to think that everyday somone's put into the E.R based on what they wear.

But yes I realize I went off my main topic, but it's all true, all of it. The things that you see on the news. "Local high school girl is put in the hospital from a gun shot wound to the chest at the high school" It's just cruel and inhuman to think that people can be that cruel and mean to others just by the way others appear. Like the little kids that get picked on in elemantary school because of their cloths, or the way they talk. I just want this horrid commintity of ours to just GET OVER IT! Every one has their flaws and opinions, and if people would just except the fact that every one is different, and finally just become a wholesome, peaceful community. Think how much better the world would be if there weren't those pity acts of violence is jsut pathetic.

"Everyone laughs at me because I'm different. I laugh at you all because you're all the same." That little quote says the truth. People think that popularity is everything, and when you're popular, and have a lot of friends, you're perfect and in charge. Well it's not. The more popular you are, the more enemies you have. So just think about it.
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