Dark Love


The smell of eucalypt and pine tree made everything even more confusing for me.

Every thing was dark, I couldn’t see a thing. I heard strange hitting in the ground. Something like a thrum far away in the distance, something which was coming closer to me.

Think Mara, think what’s going on?

I moved my hands some inches ‘till something hard and rough got in my way. I examined it and knew it was wood. I felt this wood to my sides move up and down, some times even to the sides.

A coffin. I though

I took my hand on top of me and, I found even more wood. Definitely a coffin.

Probably that explained the smell to eucalypt.

You’re in the woods, in a coffin.

That was the first thing that came into my head. For the little hopping the coffin was doing I realized I was being taken someplace.

I also realized that the earlier thrums in the ground became louder.

They’re steps. I’m being followed. Move. Destroy the coffin.

Thoughts of running away stalked my mind. But still I decided to wait and analyze the situation. I’m being carried in a coffin. Let’s say a group of 8 people, but a group of maybe four or six was following.

Suddenly the coffin stopped and so did the steps. I felt the presence of 4 more, it was the group following. It had caught up to us.

The atmosphere felt more charged with a battle feeling.

“Hello Felix, How are we doing?!”

A charming happy voice said with an excitation tone. I felt it coming from some distance and from what it said, it seemed like it was from the other group.

“We are fine thanks James. I have a package to deliver, see?
So I’m sorry but we can’t stay here to chat. I would love to in another occasion though.” - Another voice next to me answered.

This voice frightened me, since -even though it was friendly from here to mars- The threat was there, present somehow.

I spaced out for a little, and realized that this voices where beautiful too beautiful to be human, yet they weren’t precisely good.

“Well, but I think we have enough time for a little chat, don’t to you agree?”

James- or so I thought- said, making a movement that I felt like a feather touching the ground.

Then everything started moving too fast.

I tried moving my arms but I couldn’t, there were no chains to restrain me I just couldn’t. Then the coffin moved violently to my right.

Felix’s voice sounded within the coffin.

“Take her away and don’t let him catch you. Even if it takes your lives, keep her safe!”

Then my head felt the strong, cold wind coming from a hole in on top of the coffin. We were running away, and leaving Felix- Whoever he is- Behind.

I could hear the wind caused by the battle behind, and the steps or they where more like touches in the ground.

It was four against one. But then something changed. With a strong touch in the ground some one jumped and a new presence filed the air around us making me gasp.

Suddenly James attacked the man in the far left corner of the formation, making him fall with a thud in the ground while we kept advancing.

I didn’t notice when he finished the two men guarding my sides.

Panic started invading me. I knew he wanted me but, For what? For who? Why?

He was so close to getting his goal. I was so terrified that when the man in the front left corner strangled a strange growl from his chest a threatening sound, I jumped.

Out of nothing I felt my feet where falling. There was no one to grab them anymore, or to either support the end in the back of the coffin. So now the rest of the men where dragging me, instead of carrying me. Yet the people dragging hadn’t been disturbed by the loss of companions.

A low husky and creepy laugh invaded the woods.

The coffin stopped. The men left me on the ground. This ground sounded like stone-made. I could hear water beneath me. I imagined I was in a bridge now.

Both vampires dragging me stepped to a side.

Like an elegant, delicate feather so expert, a presence that made strange lump in my throat and tears in my eyes appear out of nothing swift and delicately touched the ground and stood on it.

A strange wave of heat spread through my body making me feel wild.

Without knowing why, strange husky growl escaped my throat. Well more than a growl it sounded like a pleading delicate sound. I didn’t get anything at all in that moment.

James tried attacking that black new presence or shadow. But it moved so elegant and swiftly that even a swan would feel envy for it. It dodged James’ attack with an elegance that got in my nerves.

Then, suddenly I felt as if I was being lifted. The shadow hesitated and launched itself against James.

A hard impulse to one side moved the coffin and I started to fall. James wasn’t there anymore and the shadow was getting further from me, while I fell.

But then I felt cold water in my face, and in the rest of my body. My whole body felt numb and darkness took control in my mind.
Then I blacked out.
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It's the first chapter and it's abit confusiong, but just wait a little.