Dark Love

Waking Offer

It had been a month since I woke from my coma. Lily walked through the hospital pushing the wheel chair, taking me to meet Walter in the entrance.

The Urben family had offered to take me in. I didn’t get it, I couldn’t understand why they did it.

Thinking of the past month only made it more confusing.


I woke up after my dream rubbing my eyes and staring at the white sealing.

The light coming from my window in the left was hurting my eyes.
Where was I? I didn’t remember coming here.

“Miss Mara, Are you awake?”- A strange low male voice said surprised

I turned my head to see him and found a rather large man with blond hair and blue eyes in the middle thirties, and a man with black uniform and white hair.

“Miss Mara I can’t believe it you are awake!”


Doctor Corben had had the pleasure to take care of me in my long time as a patient of the hospital in England.

Apparently I had been in a coma for fifteen years, and after a diagnosis I woke up, or at least, that’s what Dr. Corben had said.

I was a mystery. They only knew my name and my age, but nothing from my family friends or even enemies.

When I woke up, this had been a little bit of a shock, but Dr. Corben said I’d taken it too well to my maturity level and had explained absolutely nothing to me.

I also thought of how I met Walter, the first to speak to me after fifteen years he was a man of fifty-something with white hair and a black uniform.

Lily had been the one to help me in the time I needed.


I looked skeptically at the man with the black uniform standing to my side.

Then the man standing next to him (DR. Corben) started talking and explaining things to me.

* * *

After Dr. Corben explained everything (or at least something) the man in the black uniform and white hair turned to me.

“Good evening Mistress how are you feeling?”

“Who are you?” I asked without hesitating (I didn’t quite care about etiquette rules at that moment).

The man smiled and answered kindly “Well Dr. Corben asked me to give you time until you got used to things, but if you are so eager I guess I have no choice do I?” He said smiling and wiggling his eyebrows.

“So…” I said impatiently

“Ahem. So I’m pleased to say my name is Walter and I am a butler in the Urben house.” He said as if that was all.

“Why are you here and why do I care about you?” I said still confused and puzzled.

“Well Dr. Corben won’t be very glad but, you see, the Urben family is a… well a big influence throughout Europe, they’re sort of like royalty. Well and my master felt pity towards you and he has asked me to take you in as an employee of our house. Only if you agree, of course.”

“Huh, ok what?”


Of course I had a hard time digesting all the info given in such a short time. The reason I did not move too suddenly to the Urben house was because I needed time to reintegrate myself in the world.


I had been tought everything from etiquette to technologic use.
My teacher had been the nurse called Lily, who had been taking care of me in my coma.

She was always dressed with a white cap in her black hair a white skirt and shirt, with (guess what color the shoes were) white shoes. She was always very kind and patient to me. She was 62 years old and I wondered how her hair, which was not dyed still didn’t changed to gray.

Of course I agreed to the Urben family’s petition, I had my life working too well to be true. I already had a job and a home.

Lily came walking through the door with a smile on her face.

“You leave to your new home today sweetheart. We need to get you dressed the hospital has this clothes for you.” She said pointing to a gray bag in the wheel chair.

“Ahem!” Walter beside snarled. Lily rolled her eyes before asking.

“What Walter?”

“Those won’t be necessary. Here mistress” Walter said handing me a bag while smiling. “Oh! I forgot to tell you. I am pleased to inform you my mistress Mara, that you won’t be a maid in our household any longer. You are in invited as a guest in the Urben residence if so id your wish.” He said smiling widely while looking at me in satisfaction.

“I guess I would be a fool if I said no.” I said plainly making Walter’s smile even wider- if that was possible.

“Well anyway come here darling I shall help you.” Lily said distracting me.

We got in the horrible bathroom and Lily surrounded me and started untying the robe.

In the moment the robe fell, I felt my cheeks get hot and I covered my breasts in embarrassment. Lily rolled her eyes.

“It’s cold in here so hurry up and take that off!” She said with mock desperation.

I stood up and let the robe fall to the floor. Lily knelt and grabbed the bag and, pulled out a beautiful black halter knee-length dress, and two other strange pieces of black silk.

“Ok honey put this on.” Lily said handing the silk things. I only looked at her in doubt. “Oh! Shit sorry I’ll teach you how. Look this is called Bra.” She said handing a some-what familiar thing. I instantly understood and grabbed it. “And these are panties.” Ok those I didn’t understood. “O you wear them like this.”

She knelt again and put each of my legs in the small holes the panties had and started pulling them up. I blushed and stopped her “I get it.” I said embarrassed.

“Ok shoes.” She said and grabbed them from the bag. “They are beautiful.” I said breathlessly.

"Now honey I need to take youto Walter since you are all dressed up."

Before she took me to Walter I took a glimpse to the mirror in my right. I loved to see my lovely silver hair. It was long and straight. it looked beautiful with my (also) silver eyes. I smiled at the image in the mirror showing perfectly white teeth.
Then I just sat in the wheel chair.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is mostly flashback, but please be patient!

comment anyone?