Dark Love

The house?

“Ma’am.” Walter called from the other side of the door.

“Yes Walter?”

“would you like to know the rest of the house?” He asked in an odd impatient voice.

“Oh yes! I would love to. Just give me a second.”

I stood up and dressed quickly with jeans and a blue tank top.
I walked and opened the door. “Shall we?” I asked solemnly.

We walked down the stair case and went to the first door on the right, next to entrance. Walter opened the same and let me through.

“Whoa.” I gasped as I looked towards the amazingly big room.

A in the far end of the wall a chimney extended over it. The floor was made of marble yet there was no furnishing. Only in the sides there were some love sits and armchairs.

“The dancing room.” Walter pointed out.

We then, continued walking and Walter stopped in front of a door. He opened it but the slammed it close.

“Excuse me Madame. I am not allowed to show that room.”

We turned and returned to the main entrance.

“The kitchen.” He said pointing the second room in the right. “I can’t show that one.” He said then pointing to the third door on the right.

“Walter. What can you show me?” I asked frustrated.

“The library I that is you desire.” He said regretting. “But it wouldn’t be convenient if you wonder around the hose ma’am.”

“You know what Walter? I don’t feel like checking out the hose right now thank you anyway.” I said letting the acid in my voice uncovered.

“As you wish.” He said turning and leaving to who-knows-where.

I returned to my room. I was mad to the top. I felt anger make my body contract and fold like fidgeting. It was a weird habit I had.

This felt as though I was being prepared for something. Odd enough, this two months would make me think about myself.

Something was weird here. I couldn’t behave exactly as a mouse turning in the wheel. I wouldn’t think anymore. I promised to myself that I would disconnect myself from the world and be a robot.

I just wouldn’t let this Alec Urben control my life until he arrived. A routine of nothingness I would follow until I could ask and know all I wanted.
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Ok I know its boring but i'm thinking and it will get so much better I swear!