I Love You More Than I Could Ever Say

Chapter One

Tomorrow's Halloween! Yay! Ai, Amy, Lavina and I are on our way to Spirit to chose our costumes for tonight's big dance. The school gave today, tomorrow and the day after off, so we're pretty psyched.

"Oh my god! I can't believe it's almost Halloween!" squealed Amy.

"Hell yeah! I'm gonna have the scariest costume ever!" Ai boasted.

"What? Alison Pritchard?" asked Lavina, referring to the school's biggest prep as I laughed.

"Dude, I'm going as the Grim Reaper. It's pretty simple," I said.

"All the guys are going to think you're one of them Sakura," reminded Amy.

"So? It's still a cool costume! I get to bring people to their graves!"

"My god..." muttered Ai.

"If I can't go as the Grim, what are you going to go as?" I asked Ai.

"Um... Maybe a cute circus performer..."

"Ooh! That's a great idea!" squealed Lavina.

"We can both go as circus performers!"


Lavina and Ai started to dance around in circles, giggling like the little freaks they were.

"Want to you want to go as?" asked Amy.

"Since I can't go as the Grim, maybe a fairy..."

"Wow... Big contrast. Dark, scary Reaper, and a light, spell casting fairy."

"I want to be a dark fairy."

"We can be the Terror Fairies!"

"Since when do you want to be a fairy?" asked Ai.

"Since now!"

"Aw... Amy's little kid is taking over her body, no more cat fights," said Lavina teasingly.

"You know what Lav? Shut up."

"Ooh... Amy's growing up to a rough teenager Lav, you better watch out," I said giggling.

Amy started to chase Lavina, with Ai and I following them laughing like the insane teens we were.

"Ouch..." muttered Ai, running into the huge store window,"That hurt."

"The door's over here Ai," said Lavina as we laughed.

"I knew that..."

I opened the door, and like the lady I was, I entered first, leaving the door literally smashing into Amy, who was running.

"You suck Sakura. You do know that, right?"

"I know that I am the coolest person of the face of the planet, thank you very much,"I said, offering my hand to her.


"To the circus costume area!" screamed Lavina and Ai.

"Let's go to the dark, scary area," suggested Amy.

"Otherwise known as hell?" I asked.

"Whatever. Race ya!"

"You're on."

We started to run, and being the klutzy and unobservant girl I am, I slipped on some water that had a caution sign nearby, sliding into some displays and into someone.

I looked up and saw the bright brown eyes of the most wanted boy in school. Ryan Ross.
♠ ♠ ♠
Eh... I don't like this chapter much. But it's the first one, what do you expect? Comments make me very happy...*places plate of cookies on lap*Free cookie for everyone who comments!
Lots of Love and Peace,