Force of Love

Force of Love

Love is a force. It is an energy that cannot be identified merely by a single line of definition. Love can be seen, felt, appreciated, cherished, abused…

Love, being a force, has the ability to transform itself into different shapes and objects, of vibrating like sound to make an impact. No matter what form it takes, it should be treated right. This force, though powerful, is still so very fragile and sensitive to touch. Love needs the tender, affectionate care it exerts in order to continue living, to keep up the continuous chain of vibrations so the force will not be broken. If the force is broken, the damage can never be repaired…

Love can be held in the hearts of people—children, babies, toddlers, adults, elders. Love can be shared as an emotion by two people when the time is right.

Love can also come in the form of little furry beings with tiny little begging paws…
♠ ♠ ♠
This was inspired by my cat, Rowdy, who was sick and in the animal hospital at the time...the poor baby...