Kiss Me, I'm Contagious

This is a fanfic about Sonny Moore, that did fairly well on Quizilla.

Emily and Sonny's relationship blooms very quickly over the Black Clouds and Underdogs tour... which was a while ago. But, in order to figure out what happens, you'r going to have to read it!

There is also a sequel to this called He Breaks Hearts Like The West Was Won in the works... so be on the lookout.
  1. Halty Beginnings.
    "OH NO! She's STRIPPING!"
  2. The Day I Became a FFTL Roadie.
    "I am NOT whipped, you assmonkey."
  3. Wake Her Up Inside, she Can't Help But Hide, PT. 1
    "Gotta look prettay for the ladays!"
  4. Wake Her Up Inside, She Can't Help But Hide PT. 2
    "Lyke owe mai gawsh! You're so talking to Sonny Moore!"
  5. Bitches, McDonald's, McCrackens, and Elevators
    "Ahem. Mr. McCracken, just what do you think you're doing on top of my boyfriend?"
  6. Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow
    "I've got no clue as to when I'll see Sonny and my boys again."
  7. Coming Home
    "You didn't tell me you knew Sonny personally..."
  8. I Love This Boy... I Love This Girl
    "Emily, why do you love him?"
  9. Phone Calls And Music Studios
    "1,735 emails?! You've GOT to be kidding me!"
  10. Teardrops Keep Falling On My Face
    "Dude, you got a starin' problem or somethin'?"
  11. Flashback-slash-Interludes
    "I can't do it! I just can't DO it!"
  12. With Every Mistake, There Is A Regret
    'No... Not my bed. This place smells funny... Where the *** AM I?!'
  13. Out Comes The Fateful Rainbow
    You will always succeed if it's truly in your heart.