Torchwood - The Dark Side Of The Sun


Kicking the poor teaboy senseless, the alien anounced it self in an oddly calm manner. It called it self, Humex. It didn't pose as the person, just tried to find the strengths and weaknesses in the human. Much like Martha. It called itself The Humex.

Mickey just stood there, he knew he could run, but something drove him to stay. To attempt to hit the alien in the back of the head. A foolish mistake, because as soon as the pole was a centimeter away from it's head, it spun around and stabbed him with a blade no longer than three inches. As it removed the weapon, blood was clearly visible in the young man's shirt. The scientist toppled back, hands gripping his stomache.

"You humans don't have two braincells to rub together. But this Torchwood seems interesting." The Humex dropped the dagger onto the floor between the two young men. Wincing, Mickey used his comm to grab the attention of Jack. Unless the same had happened to the team. Then there would be no hope for any of them.

He heard a voice on the other end of the communication system. It was Martha. "It's me Mickey. Ianto unconsious and I've just been stabbed. We're somewhere between camp and the crash zone. Hurrey. There's a psychotic alien on the loose." As the connection was cut, the scientist let out a deep breath. He tore a bit of his sleeve of and applied pressure on the wound. It was the most he could do.

Hitchhiking wasn't an option, one no-one would want the inside of their car all bloody, and two, no-one would drive past in the short amount of time he had left. In the distance he saw a female figure beside a male one. As they approached, he noticed they were running, and that they were Martha and Jack. He was still tence, what if they were Humex? What if they had harmed the real Jack and Martha?

As the young female rummaged through a large metal box, the scientist realised he could trust them and relaxed. As he got medical attention from Martha, he explained everything to a concerned Jack.

The American cleared his throat, "I'll drive you lot back, to collect Gwen and we'll trace the rift energy patterns in the last ten minutes." The tall man had his greatcoat on in the hot night. He was always thought of as eccentric but that was just stupid.

As Mickey and Ianto were placed into the SUV, the two consious people were planning methods and balancing equasions. Call UNIT? No, they'd just try and take over the situation and make it worse. Call Glasgow Torchwood? No, it's a creepy man in an office, and if it's anything like the Cardiff base, he'd be busy. Men In Black? No, fictional. Sarah Jane? No, she had children for her team, It'd be too risky. The Doctor? No, he'd be somewhere else in the universe, with another companion.

The SUV lights flashed brightly as they sped down the dirt road back to camp. As Doctor Jones and Captain Harkness heaved the two other members of Torchwood, the surrounding campers watched with curiosity, as they had noticed the policeman being pulled out of the car a few days back.

Gwen was already up and loading her guns. They were causing a scene, with the SUV lights flashing, the computers whirring and the loud demands from Jack. Gwen had cleared a table and had borrowed someone elses aswell. The two wounded men were placed on the tables, where Martha hooked them up to some computers and such. The by standers tried to help where they could. Off duty doctors helped Martha monitor Mickey and Ianto. A retired scientist helped with some of the technological based tasks. Some person made coffee for the Martha and the people who were helping.

Jack and PC Williams climbed into the four by four. It sped off as soon as the last door was slammed shut. "Rift activity up there." Gwen was staring at the PDA and pointing up a dark hill. Jack turned the off-roader away from the dirt track onto a bumpy, uncared for feild.