Status: Done due to lack of inspiration

The World in Between Worlds


I sit and watch the humans gaze vainly at their reflections and take no note of me. I chuckle to myself; humans see only what they want to see. I had to admit though the girl was beautiful. Her flowing brown hair grazing her bare shoulders I just wanted to touch her. .... But I couldn't.

How would you react if a man came out of your mirror? No matter how handsome you thought I was you would freak. Either thinking Dante from Devil May Cry (that who they say I look like) was coming to get you or that you died. I supposed I did look like him, I had pale skin and lips that matched my skin tone. My white hair, choppy, short, and layered always was falling into my face. My eyes, shape like those of a sleepily tiger, such a contrast to my skin, a deep chocolate brown. My body slim and lean, very well built. I towered over most people at six feet five inches. I had to leave here before I reach for the girl on the real side of the mirror. I lifted myself up and moved away from the mirror. People always feel like they are being watched. Well they are by us.

The world I live in is more like a void between worlds. We have nothing to do but to watch either the humans on earth or the demons in hell. I must admit I preferred to watch the humans. The demon's cry of agony always gave me a headache. I sighed it is very boring in this world. I ran my hand through my white hair.

"Derek." A female voice said gently like a breeze whispering through the trees.

Veronica, my, oh so shy, best friend, who knew me since forever and beyond, she was my other half. She is as much a part of me as my own heart is; only in this case I believed she was more vital to my surivial. She was beautiful, but no matter how much I tell her she doesn't believe me. Her light brown hair cascades down her neck in luscious bouncy curls and they shine when the light reflects off them. Her shy and kind hazel eyes, shaped like those of cat, gleamed slightly, her slender body covered in a form fitting dress that showed off her small and gently curves. Everything about her was gentle and fragile. Her eyelashes a shade darker then her hair and sweeping down her check each time that she did blink. The beauty mark on her high and defined cheekbones stood out against her creamy vanilla skin. Her nose soft and rounded nicely, not long or short but perfect for her oval shaped face. Her full lips soft and gentle pink and pouty, like a child about to cry. Except of course for when she smiled. Her long neck (not that long) wrapped in a dark green chocker. Her collar bone showing because she wore a low cut dress, the barley reached the top of her scrape less knees. Her dress was deep green, matching her chocker. Her breasts were soft small mounds that were clung to by her dress. Her height was five foot two adding to her fragility. Her hips curved out wide causing her to look like an old school coke bottle. Her legs long, the kind that if she were taller would have seemed to go for miles, they were shapely and smooth. Her delicate feet, arched perfectly, in cased in a deep gold strappy shoes. Each perfect toe painted green with a gold design on them.

She pushed her hair behind her ears, the smell of her hair so sweet filled the air. Her ears pocked out slightly and her earlobes were attached. From her ears dangled green earring, the ones I gave her for her last birthday. Her hands small and very feminine, with long finger attached (not creepy long just right). Her nails naturally long and painted the same green as her toes. Her arms well toned, but not manly, were cover in golden bangles. Her shoulders, narrow, covered in a delicate trail of small freckles leading to her back.

She walked towards me and her movements were gracefully like a trained dancer whose life was the stage. She turned away from me slightly and I could see her back was bare, her dress plunged low. Her skin was blemish free, not a mark beside her beauty marks and freckles that cover small amounts of her body. Her back had a small cluster of freckles on her shoulder blades, appearing like a cluster of stars in the milk way. Her butt stuck out slightly, like a gentle curve of a wave in the ocean. Not big but not small, just perfect for her like everything else. She completed the twirled and faced me again.

"What do you think?" Her voice so gentle, low and musical escaping her soft mouth as she formed each word. Her soft pink tongue moving against a beautiful set of perfect teeth as she spoke each of those four words. Even her gums were a beautiful deep pink.

“Beautiful." I said breathless, her beauty had that effect on me.

"Thank you." She giggled a sound so beautiful it made my heart ache.

"What’s the occasion?" I asked knowing that half of me didn't want to know the answer.

"I have a date." She blushed, the color lighting up her face bring out her check bones. They way she blushed were as if she applied a makeup blush instead of naturally blushing. Her soft blushing brought my attention back to her eyes.

"With whom, if you don't mind me asking?" I said the ache in my chest changed it was more of a pain then a joy now.

She hesitated and fidgeted slightly, "Kacey, you know the guy I told you about before?" Her beautiful arched eyebrows disappeared into her bangs as she waited for me to answer.

"Of course, have fun." I said my voice sounded false even to me but Veronica was too caught up in the moment to notice.

She rushed to me and hugged me. I began to breathe deeply as her scent filled my lungs. I wanted to pull her away and kiss her with the hunger and passion I felt for her but instead I buried my nose into her hair and took a deep breathe. She pulled away and smiled at me, and then she run off disappearing into the vast nothingness that was the land of mirrors.

I wanted to move but I couldn't. I felt trapped by this feeling of anguish and despair.