Status: Done due to lack of inspiration

The World in Between Worlds


Mia was asleep in bed. We had gone to dinner, and then I took her dancing to return here. I cared deeply for Mia for she is the only woman I took out. She understood that my weakness for women would be my downfall. My lover came in the double digits but those who held my heart can in two forms. My Mia and my Vero.

My Mia deserves all I have to give which is why I spoil her so. I know her true wish is for me to learn to fight my addiction to sweet and tender women but I simply can not. Each woman is so different there is something so beautiful in each of them. But Mia deserve better. I have had this fight with myself so many times. I could recite it by heart. I know I am only holding out for Vero something I know will never happen. The thought is enough to break my heart.
Vero simply just can’t see how I adore her so. How I dream of her lips and soft hands in mines. How I dream of running my hands through her lush hair. How I wish for her to be mine. Like a fool I let my sweet Mia pay for Vero’s crime. I am such a fool.

Mia stirs and turns towards me. “What is it my love?” She asks me in her very cute sleepy voice.

“Nothing love. You know I have trouble sleeping. But since you are up would you like anything dear.” I ask.

“I would like for you to hold me Derek.”

I obliged and took her into my arms. I took a deep breath of her scent and sighed.
♠ ♠ ♠
he is torn