Status: Done due to lack of inspiration

The World in Between Worlds


Casey's Golden locks fell on his face as I laughed at one of his jokes. He was so cute. His golden eyes matching the color of his hair was so intense.

"What do you think of this place?" He asked me while a cunning smiled played on his lip.

"Oh, its a beautiful restaurant."

"Not the place to eat. The world we live in." He gestured to out side the windows where you can peer into the pits of hell. He chose our seats.

"Oh, well, its good enough." I smiled.

"I want to wreak havoc here and start war between our kind and hell." He smiled then laughed. I followed suit, he was such a funny man.

"What would you think if I did that?" He grabbed my hand gently from across the table.

Playing along with his game I respond, "Will I be your Queen?"

He smiled and squeezed my hand. "Whatever you want my Queen." Then he chuckled.

The rest of dinner was normal well expect for his constant mention of this war. I was growing sick of this "joke". Otherwise it was the perfect evening. He pulled out my chair, paid for dinner and walked me home like a perfect gentlemen. We even held hands on this walk. The night was lite by hell's fires and earth's sliver moonlight. He didn't even attempt to get upstairs, like most men, instead he left me at my door. Of course this earning him a good night kiss.

Our lips met and briefly Daunte's pained look flashed behind my eyes. Weird. The kiss was sweet and I felt sparks. I enjoyed the feel of his soft yet firm lips against mine. I loved how his hand gently held me at the small of my back and how he seemed to smile into our kiss.

"Goodnight my future Queen." He smiled sweetly again with the cunning laced in every pore.

"Goodnight Casey." I smiled back but this time something was nagging at the back of my head.
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finally getting to the point sort of lol comment please and thank you =] xoxoxo ♥

Vero's P.O.V