
A Proper Introduction

August 12, 2007
Dear Diary,
It's been some time since the last time, I have written in here. Not intentionally, just never had the time. Being busy with Brendon and all. Brendon. He's so sweet. So cute! It's unfortunate that he always happens to be busy lately, whether he'll be home or away, somehow he always manages to have something he has to do, before the deadline. I don't blame him. I know how much effort he's putting into this album and I'm trying my best not to get in the way of anything. Maybe I'll be writing in here more often from now on, since I have nothing else better to do. Brendon should be home anytime soon now...Hopefully.


Gently, Melissa closed her plain, pink diary and placed it softly back in the dusty shelf, where she had found it. She pushed her long blond hair away from her face and attempted to swipe away some of the dust that had fallen peacefully on every shelf and book.

Her luscious, light green eyes, took a glance down towards her watch. Brendon said that he'd be in by seven o'clock, but Brendon being is usual self was tardy, once again. It happened to be half past seven exactly and there was no sign of Brendon. Not even a phone call or a text message to say where he was or when he'd be back. Since this happens on a regular basis, Melissa has learned to overcome this flaw of Brendon's and doesn't begin to panic like she used to do, a while ago, when he was late home.

Suddenly, Melissa heard a car engine pulling up to the drive way. Not being able to stop herself, she skipped to the front window, which was looking down on the drive way. She saw the silhouette of a familiar male figure, emerging from the car and making it's way to the front door. Melissa swiftly ran down the stairs to the front hallway to meet, Brendon.

"Brenny Bear!"Melissa squealed as she wrapped her legs around Brendon's waist. Brendon placed his hands on the small of Melissa's back and rubbed her soft, smooth pale skin against his. She smelled in the scent of his Cologne on his neck and immediately felt as if she was in heaven. "Mmm, I've missed you Brendon." She whispered into his ear as he placed her gently one her two feet.

"Yes, again. Babe, I've said I'm sorry, I don't know what else to say. This album is important to me and it's easy to lose your train of thought when you're in the studio. I've told you before."

"I know, I know. Sorry. I'm just sick of not seeing you enough. I want you all to myself."

"I wish that was possible. But have me all to yourself now. What do you wanna do?" Brendon asked as he pulled Melissa up off the bar stool and placed his hands on her hips, slowly pulling them closer to his.

"Well...I think I have a few ideas." Melissa replied winking at him, seductively. She placed her lips on Brendon's neck and planted soft kisses along it. She slowly undid Brendon's top button, before being taken by surprise as Brendon picked her up bridal style and began carrying her upstairs. Brendon placed Melissa on the bed and slowly slid his hand up Melissa's shirt.
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End Of Chapter 1