
Keep Your Hands To Yourself

August 14, 2007
Dear Diary,
Brendon's decided to stay at home today. Even though,I know he's going to be busy all day and wont have time for me, I still like him being there. Just being in his presence makes me feel warm inside. The good thing about mornings is, is that Brendon always wakes me up with a kiss. I love him for it. I love him...I think. I don't know. I'm confusing myself. Brendon said that his band mates are coming over to the house today to help him with the album. I haven't really talked to them all that much, but from what I've seen of them they're pretty nice boys. I told Brendon I'll try not to get in his way, but I might not be able to keep that promise. He's like a drug and I'm addicted.


As if on queue, Melissa heard the sound of the door bell ringing. She quickly closed her diary and placed it back on the shelf, then casually walked down the stairs to answer the door.

"Hey guys. Brendon's downstairs in the basement."Melissa informed them, after opening the door, to see Ryan, Jon and Spencer.

"Thank you, Mel." Jon smiled as he stepped into the house.

"I'll bring some drinks down for you, OK?"

"Thanks again." Ryan chimed in, soon after he made his way down the stairs with Jon and Spencer following close behind him.Melissa grabbed four cans of Diet Coke from out of the fridge and managed to carry all of them without dropping them.

"Here are your drinks guys."Melissa said as she handed each one of them their drinks. Brendon was currently busy tuning his guitar,on the dusty old sofa to take the can out of Melissa's hand. "Brendon." He ignored her and continued tuning his guitar. "Brendon." Still nothing. "Brendon!"

"What!?" Brendon shouted at Melissa, which shocked her slightly.

"I have your drink!"She said raising her voice slightly.


"Well, what do you want me to do with it?!"

"Here!" He snatched the can out of Melissa's hand and slammed it on the side table next to him. Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing to watch Brendon continue tuning his guitar. There was anger in his eyes, but Brendon didn't realize how angry he actually looked from being so stressed. It was embarrassing for him and for Melissa. Everyones eyes turned to Melissa as she sat down, far away as possible from Brendon on the sofa. She was being quieter than ever trying not to make any noise at all. She tried to avert her eyes from anyone else's in the room. Brendon had never been like that to her before and she wasn't used to it. It scared her.

"Let's get it started, then." Brendon ordered as he stood up and put the guitar strap over his head. Everyone obeyed and picked up their instruments or in Spencer's case, sat down at their instruments. Melissa listened to the music that they were playing and listened to them discuss what was right and was wrong in the song. Some of the things they said didn't make sense to her at all, but she was just happy to have some company, even though Brendon's company was creating a negative effect in the atmosphere.

After playing a few songs, everyone had become tired and wanted a break for a few minutes. "Oh my god! Diet Coke!" Ryan shouted as he spotted the can on the table and quickly grabbed it and collapsed on the sofa next to Melissa, making her laugh quietly. He rested his head on her lap and looked up at her.

"You comfortable?" Melissa asked, looking down on Ryan.

"Very, thank you." Ryan replied. Out of nowhere Ryan exclaimed, "You have beautiful eyes."

"Thank you!" Melissa giggled.

"Move Ross, stop hogging the sofa." Brendon ordered. Ryan sat up to let Brendon sit down in between himself and Melissa. Brendon wrapped his arm around Melissa's waist protectively. Melissa felt uncomfortable in his grip and began to wriggle to get away from him. Fortunately everyone else was to involved in their own conversations to notice that Melissa really didn't want to be there. Eventually, Melissa pushed Brendon's arm away from her and sat up as soon as she was free. She stormed out of the basement and up the stairs to get away from him.
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End of Chapter 2