I'm Falling More in Love With the Distance Put Between Us

The Last Call To Go

The Summer had past, and Kennedy and Kyle had just finished their Senior year at high school.
It was now fall, and Kyle had plans to go off to College. It was going to be hard for Kyle and Kennedy, after dating for three years, they were going to be seperated, as Kyle left to Washington.

After all the late nights staying up with eachother all night, sneaking out their windows just to see eachothers faces, or call eachother in the middle of the night just to hear eachothers voices, those nights were going to be over. Well, except the calling eachother part. They still were going to be able to do that.
Kyle had told Kennedy he didn't want to go off to college and leave her behind, he couldn't stand or think of the fact that he wasn't going to see her face like he does everyday. But of course, she insisted that he would regret it if he didn't go off to college, something that he had always dreamed of. Even though Kennedy would tell him that, she didn't mean it. She didn't want him to go. But she knew she had to let him.

The drive to the airport was quiet and awkward. Kennedy and Kyle barely said a word. They didn't know what to say to eachother, even though it would be their last time seeing eachother until Kyle had a chance to come up to visit her.

As they had finally reached the airport, they both got out of Kennedy's car, and walked in together.
They stood there, in the middle of the airport, just starring at eachother.
"I'm going to miss you." Kyle had finally said.
Kennedy tried holding back her tears. "Me too."
Kyle grabbed both of her hands, as he put his back pack on his shoulders. "It'll be okay, Kenn. We'll call eachother almost every night, okay?"
Kennedy nodded her head up and down. "It's just going to be different."
"I know." Kyle's eyes began to fill with tears. He gabbed Kennedys head, and buried her into his chest, forming a hug as he kissed the top of her head.
Kennedy wrapped her arms around his waist, and didn't want to let go.

"All passengers that are going to be boarding Flight 98, please bring your flight ticket up to the doors, we will be boarding now, thank you." A lady on an intercom said.
Kyle let Kennedy go, and gave her one last kiss. "I love you, so much."
"I love you too." Kennedy said, as she began to cry.
Kyle kissed her forehead, and began to walk off, and gave her a little wave goodbye.

As Kennedy watched Kyle walk away, she was wishing in her mind that he would change his mind, and turn around to come back to her, and that he wouldn't leave. But he kept walking, and didn't come back.
She started crying more, but tried to hide it, which wasn't working, since a lady had asked her if she was okay.
After she walked out of the airport, she began crying, and sobbing in the outside rain.
She ran to her car, and turned on the radio loudly, knowing that Kyle wouldn't be right next to her, trying to comfort her.


The night before, was the first time Kennedy had ever cried herself to sleep.
The noise of her mother making breakfast downstairs had woken her the next morning. As she got up from her pillow, she noticed all her black mascara had worn off from her tears.
Kennedy got up from her bed, and walked out of her room and into the bathroom.
She didn't even want to look at herself. She knew she would look terrible, from crying all night of course.
The first thing she thought about when she looked at herself, was Kyle. And how he was gone. She felt tears form in her eyes, and she ran back into her bedroom, and got out the box she kept all her and Kyle's pictures in, and started crying, once again.


A month had past, and Kennedy and Kyle had decided not to keep in touch anymore, and to just move on from eachother.
They couldn't keep being sad and depressed without eachother, it just wasn't working out.
And sometimes, Kennedy thought that she had made the wrong decision about that. She loved him so much, she couldn't imagine herself with anyone besides him. But sometimes, you just have to deal with growing up, and making a decision that is right for you, and will do you good.

One night, as Kennedy was sitting in the kitchen with her mother, going through old baby photos, the doorbell rang at 8:30p.m and Kennedy got up from the table to see who it would be.
As she unlocked the door, and opened it, she found Kyle's adorable face on the other side.
He stood their, looking innocent, with a red rose in his hand, and his luggage in the other.
Before Kennedy could even say 'Hi', other words kept pouring out of her mouth.
"Kyle? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in Washington? Why are you here?"
Before Kyle could answer all of Kennedys questions, he laughed and leaned in, to give her the kiss she had been dreaming of for the past month.
"This is where I belong." He said, as they were still face to face.
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