Unsaid Things


I smiled as Billy walked over to me.

"Hey." He said with a smile, sitting down beside me as I watched my niece play on the swings.

"Hey." I replied, never once taking my eyes off of the little girl I was babysitting. She looked up and saw Billy beside me, a huge grin stretching across her face.

"Uncle Billy!" She exclaimed, running over to us and catapulting into his lap. He laughed.

"I'm not your uncle yet, Annie." He said, smiling at the girl and then turning his head to smile at me. I returned his smile, glancing down at the diamond engagement ring on my left hand.

Four months ago, Billy proposed. One month later we found out I was pregnant.

I absently wrapped my arms around my middle loosely. I wish I could tell Dougie... I thought suddenly. That surprised me. I hadn't thought of Dougie Poynter in a few years. Why was I thinking of him now?

Dougie had been my best friend since kindergarten, and my boyfriend for a couple of years before I moved from Essex. We talked for a while after we moved, but we never saw each other, and he joined a band and got famous, so, we just ceased to exist to each other. Unfortunately. I missed him, so much.

"Is something wrong?" Billy asked me, turning to look at me.

"Oh, no.." I said, shaking my head.


"Why are we going to a playground?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. Danny had just dragged me out of bed and told me to get dressed so we could go to the nearby playground.

"To play, obviously." He said, sounding much like a little kid. I laughed at him and pushed him out of the room. Once I was dressed, I walked out of my room and Harry dragged me outside and into Tom's electric blue mini cooper.

It was a short ride to the playground. As soon as we got there, Harry and Danny started playing football on the grass and Tom went over to the swings. I started to follow Tom, but a familiar face made me freeze.

I may not have seen Jeanette in seven years, and I may not have spoken to her in ages, but never would I forget her. She was sitting with a man who looked like he could be a football player, with a little girl sitting on his knee. I looked at the little girl, trying to decide if it was Jeanette's or not. It did look like her, but it couldn't be hers. It looked like her older sisters.

So Amanda and Eric did have a kid.. Huh.

"Jeanette!" I called over. She looked up at me, and I knew she recognized me. Her face lit up, which made me smile. She was beautiful, as always.

"Dougie!" She exclaimed. She jumped off of the bench she was sitting on, shrugging off the arm that had just been placed around her shoulders by the guy beside her. She ran over to me and I wrapped my arms around her in a hug, whilst she wrapped her arms around my neck. "I've missed you!"

"I've missed you too, Nette." I said. Tom was giving us an odd look. I can't believe he didn't recognize the name. I only talked about her every single day. "What's been going on with you?" I asked as we pulled out of our hug.

"I'm engaged!" She said excitedly, smiling. I felt like someone kicked me in the gut. Jeanette, my Jeanette, was getting married? "And I'm having a baby!" Two blows in one minute. I don't think I can take any more surprises.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, first chapter. I hope you all like this story!

Which, by the way, is dedicated to my awesome stepsister and best friend, Jeanette. I love you Nette!

