Unsaid Things

Four: In Dougie's Eyes 2

About two days later, the song was finished, thanks to my urgency to get my message across to Jeanette, and the guys willingness to help me out. We planned to perform it for the first time at a concert that we were doing the next night at Wembley.

The time seemed to be crawling by at the pace of a slug. I guess its true that when your waiting for something the time drags. I attempted to keep myself busy by sleeping, but, that didn't work, unfortunately. Sleep was the only way I could think of to pass the time. I watched some football and other random stuff on the television with Tom, but, after a while I got bored of that and found my self watching the clock instead. After that I tried skateboarding, playing football with Danny, playing pinball with Harry, and numerous other things. The time still seemed to drag, though.

After what felt like ages, we were finally on the stage, about to play Unsaid Things, which was the last song in the set.

"We've got a surprise for you lot, Wembley!" Tom said into his microphone. The crowd cheered.

"See, Dougie wrote this song for an old friend he ran into the other day. I’m not sure if she’s here-" Danny started. I picked up my water bottle and threw it at his head. It thunked him in the side of his head, and he complained into the microphone while the crowd laughed.

"That's enough, Danny. Let's just play the song." I said. I doubted that Billy was here, or that Jeanette was, but I still didn't need him hearing Danny say that. After all, there was always a chance. A slim, slim chance, but still. Besides, it hurt to think about my run in with Jeanette the other day.

"Alright, you don't need to get violent." Danny said.

"This is Unsaid Things." I told the audience. They cheered as we started to play. I really, really hoped Jeanette heard this. If she did and it didn't phase her and she still married Billy, well then, I'd have to deal with that. But if she didn't hear it and she still cared about me but married Billy, that would kill me as much as if she didn't hear at all.

After the song, we said our goodbyes then went backstage. I dumped a bottle of cold water on my head to cool myself off, then shook my head like a dog. Danny started juggling a couple pieces of fruit while we waited for the fans with backstage passes to come through. I didn't mind the fans. They were pretty rad.

A group of teenagers came in, followed by some adults. The guys and I started chatting with them, when two girls walked in with her. Jeanette. My Jeanette. She would always be my Jeanette, even if she wasn't really mine. One of the girls was Amanda, Jeanette's older sister. I recognized her. The other I wasn't sure I had ever seen before. Amanda waved to me and flashed a friendly smile. I walked over.

"Hey Amanda, nice to see you again." I said, giving her a friendly hug.

"Nice to see you to." She said, hugging my back. "Ew, your gross." She said as she pulled away. I laughed.

"Well, it's hot on stage with all the lights." I said with a laugh. She laughed too.

"Hi, Dougie." Jeanette said. I smiled a bit at her.

"Hey..." I replied.

"This is Kerri, my best friend. Kerri, this is Dougie, as you know." She said.

"Nice to meet you." I said, holding out my hand. She took it and shook it.

"Likewise." She said, smiling a bit at me. "Come on, Amanda. There’s a certain hot guitarist that I want to talk to." She said. Amanda and Jeanette both laughed, Kerri grinned, and then Amanda and Kerri linked arms and walked over to where Danny stood, juggling the fruit again. Apparently they were the only ones who trusted Danny while he was juggling, because the other fans seemed to be flocked around Harry and Tom while he was doing so.

Things were quiet between Jeanette and myself for a few seconds.

"I... I liked the new song." She said finally.

"I'm glad you did...." I replied. I was glad she brought up the subject. I had to know how she felt. I just had to. Even if she told me she no longer felt the same. At least I would know whether or not she was happy or not. The look on her face was slightly upset, and I frowned. I guessed that I knew how she felt. “Look, Jeanette, I’m sorry, but, I do still love you, even if you don’t feel the same. If you want though I can go back home, or I just won’t mention it anymore…” I said softly. She looked at me like I was stupid.

“Even if I don’t feel the same? Of course I feel the same you idiot.” She said. “It’s just.. I can’t love you and be engaged to Billy… And now I’m going to have to hurt him.” She said, looking at the floor. Hurt him? I was beyond confused.

“…..Huh?” Was all I managed to get out.

“Dougie, I love you. More then I should, when I’m with Billy. Hell, I love you more then Billy. I can’t marry him if you still love me… It’s not fair to you, since I feel the same, it’s not fair to Amanda since she likes you more, it’s not fair to Kerri since she flat out hates Billy, it’s not fair to Billy, and it’s not fair to me.” She said, shaking her head. I couldn’t stop a smile from spreading across my face.

“You know, I may not know diddly about that Kerri girl, but I like her already.” I said with a grin. Jeanette laughed, although she looked like she was trying to hide it. Then she closed the space between us, wrapping her thin arms around my middle.

“I love you, Dougie.” She said softly.

“I love you too.” I replied, wrapping my arms around her and kissing the top of her head. She smiled, which made me smile.

“I know.” She stretched up and pressed her lips to mine. As I kissed her back, the rest of the world melted away. Nothing else mattered, nothing else was important. Nothing else existed….. That is, until a pillow hit me in the face. I reluctantly broke the kiss, turning to look at who threw the pillow. Danny was laughing, as was Amanda. Kerri was holding hers back.

“Get a room.” She called, a grin spreading across her face. “I would say don’t forget to use protection, but, that would be sort of pointless, since you didn’t listen to me with Billy.”

“Don’t talk about him.” Jeanette said. I held her closer. “I don’t feel like thinking about him right now.” She said.

“Whatever. Still. Get a room.” she said. I laughed when Jeanette stuck her tongue out at the girl .Kerri threw another pillow, which I swatted away. It went back and hit Tom in the ass, which was actually really funny. And that was how the night ended. Sort of. That’s how it ended that part of the night. As the fans left, the guys and I, as well as Amanda, Jeanette and Kerri, got into a huge pillow fight until Jeanette and I snuck away and caught a cab back to our hotel and went to my hotel room.
♠ ♠ ♠
I keep sniffing. I don't know why. I don't have a cold or allergies or anything, but it feels like I do.

Writing this chapter was intensley weird for me. I mean, I'm Kerri. I had to write about myself in the third person lol. And in real life, Amanda is Jeanettes sister. And I am her best friend (at least, thats what she says >.>) and I really would say that if I caught her making out with someone =]

There was something else I was going to say here, but I don't remember what it was. Well, anyway....

Comments? They're sexy, and they earn you love from.... Harry Judd, since I have yet to find someone who loves him as much as I love Danny, Jeanette loves Dougie and Claire loves Tom.