Unsaid Things


The next morning I woke up to incredibly loud knocking on the door tou Dougies room. I groaned, not wanting to get up. Beside me, Dougie grumbled something uncomprehendable. The knocking persisted, getting louder.

"What?!" Dougie finally groaned.

"I need to come in." Kerri said softly. That made me confused. Why was Kerri in the hotel? Dougie looked like he was about to protest, but I sat up and wrapped the blanket a little tighter around me. Dougie reached over the side of the bed and grabbed his boxers then slipped them on, get up then went over to the door and pulled it open.

"What are you doing here?" I asked immediatly. She put a finger to her lips to shush me and stepped in, and pushed the door closed.

"You both have to get dressed. Now." She said quietly and quickly.

"What? Why?" Dougie asked, confused.

"Well... Amanda and I ended up crashing here last night, since we couldn't leave without you, Nette." She started. I put my glasses on so that I could see, and looked at her. Then I noticed that she wasn't in the clothes she wore to the concert. She was wearing a guys shirt that hung down to her mid thigh with her jeans, and her hair was sort of wild. I could tell that even though she had her hair in a ponytail. I raised an eyebrow, and the look on her face told me what I suspected. She slept with someone last night. "Jeanette, you can quiz me on that later. But really. Get dressed. Like, now." She said urgently. The tone of her voice made me do what she said. I reached over the side and grabbed my bra and underwear and started putting them on beneath the blanket.

"Now tell me whats going on." I said as I did so. When I finished I stood and started looking for my jeans.

"Well, Amanda didn't feel like using the hotel parking lot. So she parked on the street. And for some reason or another, Billy drove by, and he saw it. So he went to the lobby, where Amanda happened to be at the time getting a newspaper, and he followed her upstairs, and now hes here and hes seen all of us except you and Dougie, and he really isn't happy." She said quickly. I froze.

"He's here?!" I hissed. She nodded.

"Now move! We're doing everything we can to stall." She said before slipping back out the door. In the millisecond the door was open, I heard Billys demanding voice from the kitchen.

Yes, this hotel room has it's own kitchen. It's a weird hotel. This room is essentially it's own apartment. It has four rooms, one for each of the guys, a kitchen, a living room, two bathrooms... It's huge. And it's got to cost a fortune for one night. I quickly pulled on my jeans and grabbed a shirt from the floor and pulled it on. Dougie did the same. I pulled my hair into a ponytail then opened the door and walked out of it, Dougie following behind me.

"I don't care if you screwed someone, your a fucking whore!" Billy was yelling. "She's my fiance!" Billy was shouting.

"Jeanette didn't screw anyone!" Kerri yelled back. "And don't call me a whore!" I practically ran to the kitchen.

"What the hell is going on?" I demanded.

"Did you honestly think you could cheat on me?" Billy demanded. I frowned.

"I didn't-" The look on Kerri's face was essentially calling me an idiot. Amanda rubbed her temples.

"Don't give me that bull." He snapped. "I'm not a fucking idiot."

"What are you-" I started. Kerri tugged at the collar of the mens shirt she was wearing and gestured towards me.

Kerri is practically my sister. And we're incredibly good at reading each other. We can tell what one of us wants to say just by the look on the others face. And right now, she was calling me an oblivious dumbfuck. I looked down and mentally slapped myself.

I was wearing Dougies tshirt.


"Billy, I'm sorry okay? It was an accident. I wouldn't have done it, but, I don't even know how it happened. But, I love Dougie. I always have. Which is why I can't marry you." I said softly.

"Excuse me?" He snapped. "You can just leave me!" She shouted.

"I'm sorry, Billy." I said softly. Before I could say anything else, his hand moved to the holster at his waist.

See, Billy's always been sort of crazy. I honestly don't know how I fell in love with him. But the worst thing about his crazyness is, he's a cop. Yeah. He always has a gun. Uh oh.

"Billy! What the fuck do you think your doing?!" Kerri yelled. I was frozen. I couldn't stop looking at the gun that was currently aimed at my still small stomach, that wouldn't be so small for much longer.

"Shut the fuck up before I shoot you, bitch." Billy snapped at her. See, Kerri and Billy never got along. At all. They hated each other. Always had. Always will. Kerri is also an idiot. She opened her mouth to speak and the guy I remember being introduced to as Danny clamped a hand over her mouth and held her back, away from Billy. "You can't just leave me Jeanette." Billy repeated. He clicked off the saftey and pulled the trigger.

I waited for the searing pain that was bound to erupt in my stomach, and not to mention kill my baby. But it never came. Instead I found myself being pulled from the room by the guy named Harry. An all to familiar figure was on his knees, doubled over in pain, his arms wrapped around himself. Amanda and the guy named Tom were kneeling beside him, saying something I couldn't understand. It didn't reach me. Danny had released Kerri, who now had a phone in her hand. Danny had Billy in a choke hold. If I hadn't been so scared, I would have been impressed. If Billy moved, his neck would break. The gun lay on the floor, a crimson fluid creeping towards it.

"DOUGIE!" I screamed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dun dun dunnnnnn! Billys a fucking whackjob, no?

Yes! He is! Okay, two updates in a day. I'm on a roll. Even if I wrote the other update yesterday and just never posted it..... STILL! I know I said that I lost motivation for this story in the authors note in chapter 2 or something, but the chapter where Dougie thought up Unsaid Things was essentially my turning point. It randomly got me exicted and I knew exactly what I wanted to happen.

Dougie getting shot, however, didn't occur to me until just before I wrote this chapter! And I felt weird again, writing about myself in thid person... But whatever! And yes, I did have to make myself sleep with one of the guys (Danny!) in this chapter, because it made the incredibly short conversation between myself and Billy flow better, I think. You'll see what I mean in the next chapter, which is pretty much this chapter from the point of where I leave Dougies room from a different point of veiw, up until a bit after Dougie gets shot and stuff... Okay, I'm done.
