Unsaid Things

Six: In Kerri's Eyes

As soon as the door was closed I went back to the kitchen, where Billy was yelling about Jeanette cheating on him.

"Billy, Jeanette didn't sleep with anyone!" I interjected while he streamed a list of profanities at Amanda. "The only reason why she even slept here last night was because, well, Danny and I got a bit carried away." When I said that, a grin spread across Danny's face and I had to force myself not to laugh or smile or a mixture of the two. "Jeanette and Amanda didn't want to leave me here with no way of getting home in the morning, so they stayed too." I told him easily.

"I don't care if you screwed someone, your a fucking whore! Jeanette's my fiance!" He screamed. What is he,dumb? I just told him that Jeanette didn't sleep with anyone. Well, it was a lie, but still.

"Jeanette didn't screw anyone! And I'm not a whore!" I screamed back. I was beyond sick of this dude. I hope that one day when he's driving around in his stupid police cruiser someone throws a brick through his windsheild, hits him in the head with it, then sets it on fire. Yeah. I hope that happens! Oh, and of course he should die in it. Hmm..... I need to find out what his route is.Then all I need is to get my hands on a brick, gasoline and a match.....

While I entertained myself with these thoughts, Jeanette came into the room, with Dougie not far behind her.

"What's going on?" She demanded.

"Did you honestly think you could cheat on me?" Billy yelled.

"I didn't." She said. I was nearly unable to stop myself from groaning in frustration. She was wearing Dougie's tshirt. And that's supposed to make her story beleivable? God she's stupid.

"Don't give me that bull." Billy spat. "I'm not a fucking idiot." Yes Billy, yes you are.

"What are you-" Jeanette started. I sighed quietly enough that only Danny could hear me and tugged on the collar of his tshirt. Jeanette looked down, clearly getting my drift. The look on her face was priceless. I would have cracked up laughing if Billy hadn't been there.

"Billy, I'm sorry okay? It was an accident. I wouldn't have done it, but, I don't even know how it happened. But, I love Dougie. I always have. Which is why I can't marry you." Jeanette said softly. I wanted to dance. I actually bounced once, but thankfully nobody noticed but neither Jeanette nor Billy noticed. Everyone else though looked incredibly amused with my blunt happiness with that statement.

"Excuse me? You just can't leave me!" He yelled. You would have thought we got the attention of other people in the hotel. Not the case though.

"I'm sorry, Billy." Jeanette said. Before I could get a handle on my thoughts, Billy was pointing a gun at Jeanettes stomach.

"Billly! What the fuck do you think your doing?!" I screeched. He couldn't kill my unborn God child, never mind shoot my best friend!

"Shut the fuck up before I shoot you, bitch." Billy spat angrily. I opened my mouth to retort as well as took a small step forward, starting to move so I was standing in between Jeanette and Billy. Dannys arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me back and his hand covered my mouth so I couldn't speak. I frowned against his hand. I licked it, hoping that he would move his hand to wipe it off. He didn't. What the hell is wrong with him? "You can't just leave me Jeanette." Billy sneered. For some strange reason he reminded me of the joker at that minute, which is weird. I actually like the joker.

I heard a click, and knew the saftey was off the gun. I wanted to bite Danny just to get him let go, so I could start swearing at Billy and hopefully catch his attention. I saw his finger bend and force the trigger back, but just a second before that I saw Dougie reach out and push Jeanette into Harry, whose arms folded around her so she wouldn't fall. I heard a sickening noise as the bullet went through the fabric of Dougie's tshirt and sank into the flesh. I wanted to vomit. I bit Danny's hand and he let me go, and I grabbed a frying pan off the stove and smashed it into his hand as he aimed the gun at Jeanette, who was being pulled out of the room but Harry at Amandas request. He dropped the gun to the floor as I pulled my cell phone from my pocket and started dialing 911. Billys hand closed into a fist and he started to swing it at me, but I didn't care. Danny put him in a chokehold as I pressed send and put the phone to my ear.

Dougie was on his knees, both arms wrapped around his stomach, his eyes clenched tight. Tom and Amanda were beside him, telling him that he would be fine.

His eyes flashed open as Jeanette yelled his name. "Jeanette..." He said, looking up at me.

"She's fine." I said softly, waiting for someone to answer the damn phone. Just when I was about to hang up, someone did.

"Hello. What is the state of your emergency?" Someone asked.

"My friend, he's just been shot." I said quickly.

"Ma'am, calm down-" She started.

"Calm down? Lady, I'm as calm as your going to get me. Now please just stop yapping and get a damn ambulance here, and a cop car." I ordered. The woman sighed.

"Pain in my ass..." She muttered. "Ma'am, where are you calling from?" I gave her the name of the hotel. as well as the room number."Alright. I'll send Officer Canario-" She began.

"Officer Canario," I spat. "Is already here. He's the crazy bastard who shot my friend because he thought that he slept with his ex fiance." I snapped.

"Ma'am, Officer Canario doesn't have an ex fiance." She sounded annoyed.

"He did sleep with her! He deserves to fucking die!" Billy yelled.

".....We'll send another officer immediatly, and an ambulance." The woman said.

"Thank you." I said. I could hear Jeanette sobbing from Harry's bedroom.

"Ma'am, stay on the line until-"

"No. I'll call back if I need anything. How long until the ambulance gets here?"

"About five minutes." She told me. Without another word I hung up the phone.

"Wheres Nette?" Dougie asked softly, cringing in pain.

"She's with Harry. Don't worry about her, she's fine. She's scared out of her mind. but she's fine. Don't go to sleep, okay?" I said, anxious to get to Jeanette. He nodded once. "Come on, let's get him to lay down... It'll be easier to get him onto a stretcher and you guys can try to slow the bleeding." I said. Amanda looked at me.

"How do you know how to do all this?" She asked, confused, as she and Tom helped me to get Dougie into a sitting position without hurting him much more.

"I'm in school to be a nurse, or did your forget?" I said. I went to the bathroom and grabbed a towel, then bunched it up and pressed it against the wound.

"I remember, but, I didn't think you would actually pay attention." She said. I rolled my eyes.

"I pay attention when it's important, Manda. Now Tom, hold this in place please.. Amanda, keep him awake." I ordered. I wiped the blood off my hands onto my jeans, opened the door so the paramedics could get in then went to Harry's room.

"Is he okay?!" Jeanette sobbed.

"He should be just fine hun.. An ambulance is on it's way." I told her. I really did hope he would be okay. I wasn't sure how deep the bullet was....
♠ ♠ ♠
Third chapter in two days. I really am on a roll =]

Billy is still one crazy SOB! This chapter was not weird to write. It was actually really easy to, since I just had to fill in my actions and reactions, then type up a bit more of a story. It just took me a while because my family doens't know when to leave me alone.
