Unsaid Things

Seven: In Kerri's Eyes 2

I heard something click. It sounded like something hit the tile of the kitchen floor. Then I could hear Dougie yelp loudly in pain. Jeanette immediately jumped to her feet, but I grabbed her arm and jerked her back down onto the bed. She would be pissed off at me for it, but she shouldn't see Dougie like that... Nope, she could wait to see him until he was safe in the hospital, laying on one of those uncomfortable bed, not soaked in blood. The door closed, and I frowned as I continued to hold a fidgeting Jeanette on the bed, with help from Harry. She would kill me if I let her go see him like that! Well, she might not, but she was bound to think it was her fault since she shoulders the blame for everything, and she would go crazy or something. I wanted to know what was going on.

"Kerri Lynn Zimmerman! If you don't let me go now, I'll kill you!" Jeanette cried, still struggling against us.

"That's what you think, Jeanette. And if I let you go see him, you'll freak out. Just wait five minutes! Then I'll drive you to the hospital! Calm down!" I ordered. She opened her mouth to retort, but the door opened and Amanda came in, trailed by Danny. That had me confused. Danny and Dougie were as close as me and Jeanette. Why hadn't he gone? Danny clearly saw the look on my face and understood what it meant.

"They took Doug before the cops got here for Billy, so I couldn't go." He said, frowning. I nodded once, then let go of Jeanette. If Billy was gone, then we could leave to go see Dougie. To my intense surprise, she didn't move though. She just fell backwards onto the bed.

"Jeanette?" I exclaimed, rolling onto my knees and hovering over her. Her breathing was normal, but her eyes were closed and she wasn't moving.

"Holy shit, she passed out!" Amanda said from behind me.

"No shit!" I replied, turning to look at her. Then the pieces fell into place. I understood.

Danny still hovered in the doorway, clearly anxious to leave. Amanda hovered nervously behind me, her eyes on her sister. Both were bloody. The front of Amanda’s once white shirt and light blue jeans were nearly soaked with Dougie’s blood. Danny had a rather large spot on his shirt, although I wasn't sure if it was Dougie’s or Billy’s.

"Should we stay until she wakes up?" Harry asked. The look on his face as well as Danny’s told me clearly neither of them wanted to. I shook my head.

"No, we can go. But we'll have to be really careful going down the stairs." I said, getting off of the bed.

"Why?" Harry asked.

"Because we can't leave Jeanette here unconscious to wake up alone in your hotel apartment thing and with no way of getting to the hospital." I pointed out. I leaned down and grabbed Jeanette’s arms and pulled her into a sitting position. "Now, before we can go, Danny go change your shirt and get someone’s shirt for Amanda please." I instructed. He nodded and left the room, Amanda following close behind. "Harry, help me." Harry got off the bed and helped me pull the unconscious Jeanette onto her feet. I pulled one of her arms around my shoulders and Harry did the same, and we half dragged, half carried Jeanette out of the room and into the kitchen, where the door was located. While Amanda and Danny changed, I surveyed the room.

It was a total mess. There was a rather large pool of crimson on the floor, creeping around. There were bloody footprints leading from the spot where Dougie had lain up to the door and out of it, toward the stairs. There was also one spot clean of blood in the middle of the pool, where Dougie had lain. I flinched slightly at the mess. It sucked, knowing it was the love of your best friends life, and your possibly adopted future brother-in-law, that had been bleeding all over the floor. Especially since I could have done something to help, had I had had my stuff with me like I should have.

I didn’t have time to think about it though, because as soon as the thought crossed my mind that I should have had my bag with me like I always do, Danny and Amanda reappeared. Danny offered to take my place in carrying Jeanette, but I waved him off with one hand and Harry and I carefully carried her down the stairs and to Amanda’s car.

“Kerri, can you drive?” Amanda asked, watching every move we made with her little sister.

“Yeah, of course.” I said easily. She thanked me and then slid into the car. Harry and I lowered her carefully into the car and Amanda helped us get the seat belt around her and all of that. Then Harry climbed in back. Danny and I got in front, with me behind the wheel and I started driving rather quickly down the street and towards the hospital.

“Kerbear,” Amanda said. I almost smiled at the nick-name that I had been given. I loved it to pieces. It was so cute. “How do we wake her up?” She asked. I glanced up and into the rearview mirror to meet her gaze for a millisecond before my eyes dropped back down to the road.

“Okay, there’s a bag on your floor.” I started.

“Which one? There’s two of yours, three of mine and a couple of Jeanette’s too.” She told me.

“It’s one of mine, and it’s the blue one.” I told her. I waited until she told me that she had it to continue talking. “There’s a water bottle in the front pocket with one of those things to keep the water cool around it. Dump it on her. If you don’t want to do it in the car, wait until we get to the hospital.” I told her, speeding up a tad.

“Screw the interior.. This car is crap anyway.” I heard Amanda mutter before the sound of splashing reached my ears. I felt a few cold drops of water hit my arm underneath the place where Danny’s t-shirt sleeve stopped on my arm. I didn’t pay any attention to it though.

A few seconds later, Amanda let out a relieved sigh.

“Where are we?” Jeanette demanded quietly. “Where’s Dougie?”

“Dougie is at the hospital, and we are in Manda’s car on the way to the hospital.” I informed her. There was a moment of silence before Jeanette spoke again.

“Well, why the hell are you driving so slow?” She demanded. I glanced at the speedometer.

“I hardly call 75 in a 50 zone slow, Nette.” I said.

“Well, it wouldn’t kill you to go a little faster!”

“You never know, it could. And we’ll be there soon, so be quiet. Besides, I’m driving! I don’t need you to tell me how fast to go. Besides, your distracting me. If you don’t mind, I would like to get us to the hospital in one piece so that we can actually see your boyfriend!” I told her. She didn’t shut up though. For the rest of the car ride she nagged about my speed and kept trying to tell me to cut people off so that we could get there faster. I sighed. Good old, annoying as fuck Jeanette. That’s my adopted twin for you, though.
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Sorry if their are mistakes or missing words. Mibba is being incredibly weird.... And I'm sick, so I'm incredibly out of it. But if there are mistakes or words missing that are important or something, send me a message telling me where and what it says and I'll fix it asap.

