Unsaid Things


One Year Later

Everything was great. Dougie and I were happy, my son- Scott- was perfectly healthy and Dougie was planning on adopting him. Amanda was happy with her husband, as well as eight months pregnant with twins. Brian was in jail. Danny and Kerri had a remarkably similiar incident with her ex, Paul, when they first started to date, but we managed to stop it before anyone was badly hurt. Danny, Kerri and myself got beat up pretty bad- Kerri for being a "slutty bitch", Danny for dating her and myself for trying to help Kerri by hitting Paul in the head with a frying pan- but we were okay, and now Danny and Kerri are perfectly happy and Paul is in prison. Tom and Harry...... Well they're happy doing what they do best- acting like idiots.

Oh, one more insanely huge, great t hing.

Dougie and I are engaged.

Thats where we are now- ur rehearsal dinner. A waitor came around with wine. Kerri refused it, which seriously suyrprised me.

Now, don't get mewrong. Kerri isn't some raging alocholic. She just doesn't turn down wine when it comes to weddings. For as long as I have known her, she always had a half of a glass of wine at the rehearsal dinner and at the reception. Never more then that because she was afraid of becoming like her dad- who was an incredibly violent alcoholic- but she always had her half of a glass because she thought it was rude not to drink to the toasts. Which is true, somewhat.

"Excuse me for a minute.." She said suddenly, before standing and leaving the room quickly. Dougie looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I shrugged in response. danny just looked at the door Kerri had left from, confusion and worry written on his face. Kerri had been acting insanely weird for a few days- jumpy, moody and just.... Diffferent. I guess I wasn't the only one who noticed.

"You don't think she's going to break up with-" Dougie started in a whisper. I shook my head.

"She's crazy, not stupid." I replied quietly.

"Are you sure about that?" Dougie asked.

"Absoultley. If she was dumb, you wouldn't be here." I said softly. He took my hand and laced our fingers together.

"I didn't mean are you sure about her intelligence, love." He said. "I meant are you sure she's not going to-"

"Whatever you think someone is going to do, she's not." Kerri said from behind me.

"Kerbear, l ove, are you okay?" Danny asked from beside Dougie. He was the best man, Kerri was the maid of honer. She nodded. I don't think anyone believed her though, as her skin was pale. Sure, Kerri shows that she's Irish because her skin is pale all year round, but this was ridiculous. She had no color at all.

"Are you sure?" I questioned, hoping to get something out of her.

"Yeah. Nette, I need to talk to you." She told me.

"Can it wait? Just until we go home or after we eat?" I asked. I didn't mean to sound rude or like I was brushing her off, but hey, I hadn't eaten in two days because I was nervous that Dougie would back out, realizing that he could find someone better no matter how many times he told me that there was noone else better then me, and I was hungry.

"No." She replied immediatly.

"Why not?" I questioned, taking a sip of my wine.

"Because the next time I have to throw up, it'll be all over you." She hissed in my ear.

"Alright, let's go then." I said, standing and following her into the hallway next to the dining room. "What is it?" I asked, watching her as she bit her lip. "Is this about whatever has been bugging you lately?"

"Nothings been bugging me..." She said softly.

"Then why have you been acting like a crazy person?" I asked in response.

"Well....." She started, still chewing her lip. "I'm pregnant." She said so quietly I thought I heard her wrong.

"Come again?"

"I'm pregnant." She repeated in an almost normal voice.

"Oh my God!" I exclaimed. "Ker, that's great!" I said, giving her a hug.

"I'm not sure Danny will think so." She said, hugging me back. I rolled my eyes.

"Don't be ridiculous.As long as it's his, he'll be thrilled.

"Of course it's his!" She hissed at me.

"I never said it wasn't." I said calmly. "Come on now. We'll go tell him together." I said with a smile. I linked my arms with her own slightly shaking arm. Then we went back into the dining room to share the good news.
♠ ♠ ♠
Guess what?

This story has ENDED! I hope you all liked it, especially Jeanette.

Now, I want to let you all now that this is not how I am leaving you for good! There is to be a sequeal! I'm about to start writing the summary now. The sequeal link should be here soon. Please read and subscribe to it!

I love you all!
