Just an act of fate

Simple act of Fate

First act of Fate

_____________________ xx Fate

My name is Fiona Tawny. America, New Jersey is my sate on mind. Nothing about me is normal. That's why they all call me Fate. I don't go outside, I don't go inside. I'm just here, lingering.

If I could I would take back every word that I've said. Every breath I've breathed and every motion I have carried out. Fate makes sense. Do you believe in it? Because I don't.....

"Fate!" Someone yelled.

I hung my head and carried on walking. Does everyone see me? I looked at my feet, which were being covered by two tatty converse, one cream and one black. My messenger bag hung across my body not wanting to be there either.

My black hair hung over my left eye, making me blend in but it made me stand out even more.

"Hey Fate! Got any drugs we can buy?" Yelled a prep.

I took a deep painful breath and walked into the library. I don't deal drugs, or take them it's a cruel torment. I looked around no one is here. No wonder it lunch break. They were all paying attention to Frankie-May. I hate her so much. I took out my sketchbook, sat down and looked around for inspiration.... Nothing, so I took out my ipod and played a song. Any song. I heard a line that said,

"I can face this world alone."

Yes! I took my pencil and drew a young boy, around the age of twelve and he was stood on an open beach watching the world form around him. I looked at the drawing and smiled. I carried on drawing until the bell went for eight period. I sighed put all my stuff in my bag and walked to my next lesson.



My mom and dad don't like me. I was an accident that my mom was forced to keep by my grandma who died when I was four. Making my life misery was what they loved to do; it was like a hobby for them.

Ironic, Fate brought this onto me. I walked slowly along Cherishem Road to my road, wanting so badly for my mom and dad not to be home. I walked to my house noticing that my mom's car was in the drive.

My dad is some sort of terrorist ("freedom fighter!" says my mom) I don't like it. He makes me feel unsafe, like someone is out to get me. I took a breath and opened my door which made the knocker clang.

"Fate?!" My mom yelled

"Yes mom?" I replied. I couldn't even get right into the house without my mom yelling at me.

"Come here." I walked into the living room where my mom sat

"Do you really find it necessary to make that door knocker clang like that every time you walk in!?" she moaned.

"Sorry mom. I wont do it again," I said.

"You'd better not! Now go wash the pots, and make sure your room is tidy, your cosine Kellie is coming over tonight." I sighed and walked into the kitchen.

I hate my cosine. She listens to all sorts of music that doesn't appeal to me, chavvy dance stuff and finds a way to complain about my style, my music and me. Then when I retaliate I get grounded. So unfair. Instead of hand washing the pots I bunged them in the dishwasher and ran upstairs. I slammed the door and collapsed on my bed.

My room was small and messy. What else should a teenager's room look like? It has large and small poster's covering the brown and cream painted walls, one ancient computer in the corner next to a wooden closet. I shuffled up to my pillow and buried my face into it.

Why am I like this? Why is my world like this?



Persuaded by Fate.