Just an act of fate


_____________________ oo Trey

"Trey you know what you have to do right?" said the general

"Yes sir," I took deep, slow breaths.

Was this an act of Fate? Or was I just following my dad's deeds? If I was, I'm coming to a sticky end. The general gave me a carrier bag and pointed me to the door. I nodded. My mission was to be carried out tomorrow night so I can give the others a chance to escape, to go somewhere else. So I can sacrifice or just create a revolution. I took the bag and walked out heading for somewhere to stay while I was in New Jersey. The place to start, as I made my way out people were whispering, but I heard them

“Poor boy, he’s only seventeen. Still in school! Poor poor boy," Some hostages were saying.

I gritted my teeth and continued to walk out the door meeting the beam of sunshine blinding me.

This is it… or is it?


Midnight dawned.

I had placed the bag safely in the corner of the disserted home I had broken into. I looked around. I could see my breath. Usually it was warm here, but not tonight. Maybe the world was getting prepared for what I'm about to do.

Making sense of my situation isn't something I have mastered. Most of the time I do what I'm told and never question anything or challenge it. I take my tasks as they come in hope to rise up to general one day.

General Tawny (or grenade bomb as he is called) is my idol in a way. I have to get on his good side. I swept my blond hair out of my eyes but it fell back over. I took a match and lit a candle that had been left in a draw of this deserted house. I walked up stairs to find two bedrooms and a bathroom. I walked in one room and there was a single bed with no mattress. I went into the next one and there was a double bed with a mattress. I laid down on it on my side.

I zipped up my jumper, as I thought it was going to be warm tonight, and curled up hoping to forget about things. Or at least relax slightly.