Just an act of fate

The Gift

_____________________ xx Fate

I ran as quickly as I could towards my house. It seemed like seconds yet days since I had left my house. My mom is going to kill me. I shouldn’t have gone out, but I didn’t expect to meet Trey.

Trey Jenkins.

How did he hear the piano? How could he hear it like me? No one is like me, no one! I have never been able to relate to anyone. No one. I walked up to my house and took a breath of courage and walked in making sure I made the least amount of noise as possible. I crept into the house but my mom was ahead of me and she knew I had gone.

“Fate?” she said, “Where have you been?” she asked me

“I just went for a walk mom.” I said looking at my feet.

“Did I say you could go for a walk?” she asked

“N-no mom. I’m sorry,” I said.

“Fate you have to be more responsible!” she shouted at me. I nodded. “Now, your cosine is coming at one and it is twelve now. She needs picking up from the train station so if you walk up and escort her back.” She said to me

“Why don’t you pick her up in the car?” I asked her. She stared at me.

“Go and pick her up Fate. It’ll take you round about three quarters of an hour to walk up there.” My mom turned around and walked into the kitchen. I stood watching her. I sighed and walked back out.

I didn’t want to see Kellie she hates me so much. My mom knows that. She wishes she had Kellie and not me. I was the one she didn’t want. Not my fault is it? It’s fate’s fault. She hates me the most. I walked along the road and met a crossroad. I looked to see if any cars were coming, which they weren’t, then I stepped out onto the road. Then, a fast car came zooming around the corner and slammed into me.

All I could see was red. Blood? Anything? Am I dieing? I could hear my blood roaring in my ears. My eyes were closed. I don’t want to open then. I don’t want to stand up. I don’t want to be helped. I could hear people asking me if I was okay. Was I okay? I don’t really know myself.

Okay you can open your eyes Fiona
Fate? Why are you telling me what to do?
You can open your eyes now Fiona

I trusted fate and opened my eyes. I looked around at everyone. They were all panic struck. I looked at myself.

Was I injured? No.
Was I bleeding? No.

There wasn’t a scratch on me. I looked at my hip where the car crashed into me. It was fine. I looked like nothing had happened to me. Everyone was around me asking if I was okay.

“Yes. I’m fine,” I said. I stood up and continued to walk.

My mind was trying to get around what had just happened! I’m not like, immortal or anything. I’m just… normal! Ordinary. Not extraordinary! Nothing about me is special. Nothing at all, so then what happened?

Fate talked to me for the first time. She has never done that before. She has controlled me, and made my actions regrettable but she has never spoken to me before. I took my phone out and called Kellie.

“Heya chick!” she answered

“Kellie, it’s me, Fate,” I said. I heard her sigh

“What do you want?” she asked

“I’m running a bit late. Do you think you could get a taxi?” I asked her.

“Oh my god Fate! I have only a certain amount of cash on me! You think I wana use it on a taxi?” she said stubbornly.

“Well if you pay I’ll pay you back. An extra five dollars if you tell my mom that I escorted you but had to go to the shop,” I said

“…Okay emo. It’s a deal,” she said.

I took a deep breath at the word “emo” I hate being called that. I’m used to it by now. “See ya loser!” she laughed and hung up. I stood still looking around me.

What just happened? I looked at my watch and it said one o’clock. I sighed. I didn’t want to go to my place, because it wasn’t my place anymore. Trey would be there. I want to be alone. Or did I?

The sky begun to darken and the wind became icy. I felt a drop of rain on my face. I touched it and looked around. The rain became heavier and cold. I shivered but I stood there as the rain started to pour down. I looked up to the sky and saw the sky dark and gray.

“DAD?” I yelled to the sky, “Dad? What’s happening?”

In a way I like the rain, because you can’t tell that I’m crying. Why had the sky become so dull? Why was it raining?

“Dad! You’d better tell me what’s going on!” I screamed up to the sky. “You can hear me I know you can!” I took a deep breath.

By now I was soaking wet. Water was dripping down my face, as was the rain. My clothes were heavy on my body and dragged me down. I saw a corner and crouched in it. I hid my head in my knees and cried. What’s happening to me? Why wasn’t I injured in that crash? It hit me full on and it didn’t even bruise me.

“Fate?” someone said. I looked up and no one was around me. “Fate? It’s me,” it was dad.

He was in my head? I could hear him but he isn’t around! I can hear him in my head.

“Dad what’s going on?” I thought loudly in my head

“You have the gift Fate,” he said. I sat there feeling very confused.

“Gift? What gift?” I thought

“The gift. My gift. You immortal.” He said.

My heart was racing. Immortal? No! It can’t be!

“You realize that there are people in my army who wish they had this gift Fate. Maybe if you-“ he said but I interrupted

“NO! I’m not joining your terrorist club dad,” I screamed in my head.

“Fate! This is in your blood! You were meant to fight for what is right!” he said

“Leave me alone dad. I’m not joining you cult and I never will,” I placed my head back on my knees and I felt a strong thump. That clearly meant he had gone.

Oh dad. Why have you done this to me?