Lyrical Lies

I See the World in Her Eyes

My name is Shaen Bloomfield. I am a guy. I don’t know really know my age, except for the fact that I am in 12th grade. I do know however, that I am definitely an artist. From paints to music, I am.
One time there was this girl. Her name was Astaria. She was always pretty quiet. She had her friends though. There was Kayla, Kaya, Mimi, Celena, Stevie, and Veronica. Oh let’s not forget about Rachael, Dom, Andy, Eric, John Mark, and Shannon. Okay, there was actually a large group. There were populars- Rachael, Dom, and Kayla. The Nerds- Celena, Mimi, and Kaya. The athletes - John Mark, Andy, and Stevie. There was also a quiet group. This included Enriche, Stevie, and Veronica. I was best friends with the last three so I knew a lot about her. I knew she was super smart and was wonderful with words. She had almost no hand-eye coordination, but loved sports. She put up with all the jokes made about her without even talking to anyone about them.

Any who. I saw something in her. A slight shimmer, a glow around her, even if I only caught a few glimpses of her now and then. Everyone was always happy except her. Whenever I saw her, her eyes would capture mine, like a light to an insect.

So one day I decided that I would draw her during art class. I showed Stevie the drawing and he wasn't’t very happy about it. He said it was a great portrayal of her but it wasn't’t her. The picture showed her in a black floral-like lace on white strapless floor length ball gown. She had on one torn black lace glove and a smiling face hidden behind a black wide brimmed hat with white lace encircling the top. She had huge expressive eyes. In those eyes, you could see the world. You saw her friends and family, the Great Wall of China, both world wars, 9-11, many animals, and the sky. All of this was hidden in her sad, icy blue-silver eyes. This was how I saw her everyday.

I shoved the paper into her locker one morning right before she walked in the doors, about 50 feet away. It fell right into her hand when she got her locker open. Almost as if she expected it to be there. When she looked at it, her eyes showed no emotion. As she walked by she dropped it into my arms. On the back it said, “I believe this is yours,” and it had a random number on it. It also said, “Call this number, we need to talk, ASAP.

So through the rest of the day I went to all my classes and as soon as school was over I took out my cell phone and called the number. She picked up on the third ring.

She said, “Hey Shaen, can you come over to my house? I can’t tell you much over the phone. You were right though.”
“Sure, what’s the address?”
“Uh, 1257 Maple Avenue.”
“Okay, I’ll be there in like ten minutes. I live on Magnolia.
“K, bye.

So I left and dropped some stuff at home and drove to her house. When I got to the house I realized that it was the house that always had a bazillion Christmas decorations. I got out of my car and walked to the door. When I got to the door it open right before I knocked. She pulled me inside and dragged me upstairs into what I would assume to be her room. She sat on her bed and I sat in a lime green polka dotted black bean bad chair.
“So how did you make that picture?”
“I drew it and then I painted it.”
“So then why did you draw me like this?”
“Because that’s how I see you.”
“Well then I suppose you’re the only one who noticed.”
“Noticed What?”
“The fact that I hide everything in my eyes.
“Yeah, I did. So now what?”
“You tell no one and we’re cool.”
“How about you be my best friend, I wont tell, and then we’re cool?”
“Heck Yes!”
“So would you like to go to a movie with me, Stevie, Veronica, and Eric on Saturday?”
“Yeah, Sure!”

After that we were best friends forever…………that is until she left with out a sound.
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Just in case some one didn't notice
This color means Shaen is talking
and this color means Astaria is talking