Lyrical Lies

I Wont Forget All The Ones That I Love

"I promise it'll only be a few days. It's just a three day camping trip," I told my mom as I walked out the door. It wasn't a camping trip, it was the rest of my life. I would leave and never be seen by my parents or friends ever again.My parents we drug addicts and angry drunks. It was surprising that I wasn't as well. I was freed from my parents two years ago, when I was fifteen. The only reason I really stayed here in the suburbs was because the rent was barely anything compared to other places.
My name's Astaria. I'm seventeen years of age. I have medium brown hair that's been bleached a few times. Its super straight and comes down about 3 inches from my waist when its down, but i keep it up.
Any who, I was leaving my friends forever. No one knew i was leaving. I'd been slowly packing my room into my car over the last year and a half. I'd finished packing this morning. I made each of my friends a video. It was a photo montage to Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson. It wasn't one of my favorites, but it went with my leaving. I almost wish I wasn't leaving.
I was though.I stopped at all my friends houses early this morning and dropped them all off. The final two, Stevie and Veronica,well I had told all my friends I would leave without a sound one day, but they didn't believe me, were the only ones who believed me. They knew me better than they knew themselves.You could tell that one day they'd be inseparable and a couple.When they saw me stop in front of their houses, they were ready.They made bags for me and begged me to stay but they knew I couldn't. When I opened the bags, they were full of Cd's and extra money. After that I left my small town in northern California.
I left and never turned back. It took me about three days to drive to where I wanted to be. In Chicago.. I never wanted to live in L.A like most people. It was too crowed, messy,
claustrophobic and too everything.Chicago is where many of my favorite bands started out and this is where I'll start.I knew no one in this city. well almost no one. There was this guy i met on the Internet. i knew him really well and he's really awesome. I didn't know what he looked like or his name. I knew where he lived though. When I got to his house it looked normal. A nice house in a nice neighborhood. I knocked on the door and he sounded a little older than me, maybe five years
As soon as he opened the door and asked who I was, I asked him if the user name I knew was his and he said yes and asked again who I was. I told him my user name and my real name. He then told me that his name was Adonai.He then let me come in. He was really cool with a k.He wasn't really five years older than me, but 2 years.It was sort of awkward at first because we knew so much, yet so little about each other. We talked for awhile until he asked me what I was doing in Chicago if I lived in California like I had told him. I replied that he knew about my situation and that I had finished packing a few days ago.
"Packed? Does that mean you're here fa show?"
"Heck Yeahs! I don't know where yet, but I'm sure I'll find some where to finish high school."
"Well, I suppose you could stay here, I mean I have an extra bedroom, but right now its the band room, but we can move the stuff."
"Oh my gosh! Are you serious?!"
"Thank you so much!"
So, I moved in, got a job at the local newspaper and started my junior year of high school.For the first few months , it was awkward. I knew all the guys from the Internet, but not real life, except for Xavier. He was my best friend's older brother. Eventually everything got comfortable I took on the role as house mom while Adonai took care of everything from school that needed to be signed and whatnot. I bought groceries and cleaned and I got a better position on the news paper until March in my senior year, when I was to intern and eventually work for the Rolling Stone.
One day, I was running so late for an interview with one label's vice president that I called him about two minutes before it was to actually start to see if he could stop by the house to do the interview. The conversation was like this:
"Hey Fred, Its Star. "
"Yeah, I know.I don't see you and I'm at the site that we agreed on."
"Yeah, about that, would you mind coming to my house instead? I'm running incredibly late."
"Sure see you there in twenty.Bye"
So then I looked around and realized that the house was a total mess and I went on a major cleaning freak out.As I was cleaning up, all the boys walked in .
"Hey, Star,why are you cleaning? It's not even Sunday."
"Oh there's this guy coming over."
"No no no, not like that, I'm interviewing him, he's from this major record label that's been
branched off of Fueled By Ramen."
And then they all started to help me.After I made some coffee and they all got dressed and had band practice.
"Oh, no you don't.You will not try to get signed during my interview."
"Okay, we won't"
"Okay then."
They went on practicing and I got dressed. Then about three minutes later the doorbell rang and they stopped playing. I went to get the door and let Fred in . We sat on the beige couch and started the interview.
About half-way through the interview, the guys started playing with the larger and
louder amps on 10. I got up to tell them to turn it down or off, but Fred followed me and they saw him and then they had their Oh My GOD! faces on( look to the author's not to see it.)
"Uh-uh-uh-hi. Sorry Star, we thought you were ally done and he had left," said Adonai,
stuttering like a fool.
"Well he's not, but if you want, Fred, you can tell them what you think about them after they play my favorite song of theirs."
"Yeah sure."
So the guys played the song and Fred want to sign them immediately, but he had to draw up the contract and get the okay.
Now, Two years later, not only am I a Journalist for one of the most prominent magazines and Labels,my favorite band's tour manager and publicist.
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